By: Mark Walters
The secret to creating wealth is that there is no secret. Or, if there is a secret, it was ‘out’ as soon as people started using the Internet. It isn’t hard to find the secrets that have generated wealth for generations, in all cultures, and all countries.
The first secret is to remember that money is not a measure of wealth. Money is only the measure of who is winning the game. That is easy to say if you have it. For most work at home business owners, money is the defining element between enjoying life and struggling to pay bills.
Secret One: Motivation
The basic step is to realize that desire creates ambition, and ambition creates action. It is the action that generates cash – sometimes. People need to work smart, not hard. That means that they must learn how to determine which wealth generating strategy will work in your situation.
There is no ‘one method fits all.’ That is why most of the gurus teaching people how to generate wealth will offer several different strategies and then teach people how to use them.
Step Two: Time Management
There is no science to generating wealth. A person just needs to spend their time generating income. However, most ‘work at home’ professionals spend their day doing everything but generating income. It is easy to believe that people must spend 30 hours a week in the forums building links.
Link building is important, but it isn’t income generating. If you sat 100 work at home business owners down, divided between those who earn $1m a year and those who earn $5 a month, you’d find some startling differences.
First, those who earn more spend more time generating income. Second, those who earn more have spent more time learning the secrets to generating wealth.
The third is the most important. People who generate wealth do not have a ‘turn off’ time of the night. They do not spend their leisure time watching television. Sometimes they habitually become work-a-holics and neglect life and family to generate wealth, but many are able to create a balance.
Leisure time is a working class myth, that keeps people down.
Step Three: Cash Management
I once walked through a rich person’s house. They had furniture that belonged to their parents. I asked them if they were going to sell an old car they didn’t want. Their reply was ‘We can’t – It belongs to the estate.’ This story had a major impact on me.
Wealthy people do not remove money from the business to live on. The business is considered a self sustaining entity. When it profits, the business owner draws a wage. They also consider personal purchases as part of their assets – part of the estate.
The estate doesn’t need ‘toys’ and leisure items that will be out of date in a few years. Each purchase is carefully managed.
The wealthy keep their personal money, business money, and estate/assets separate. The estate is never touched.
Law of Attraction
The secret of wealth generation is the same as the law of attraction. If you see something that you want bad enough to get it, then you will. This secret is as old as society. In today’s society, this law was replaced by complacency and the expectancy that someone will give us hand outs.
The ‘believe – achieve – receive’ has been around for a millennium. If you believe that your program works, and you work until you reach your goals, then you will receive the rewards. But – do not ask for a hand out.
That is why people will make money when investing in gold, or houses, but not in Google. Gold investing means buying into something that you believe, learning about gold so you know when to sell, and then receiving the profits.
Now, let’s take a look at Google and other Affiliate programs. A person may believe that they can make money from Google. But, what is there to believe in? There must be an action. That is why the Made For AdSense pre-made websites do not follow the wealth generating rules – the belief does not force an action – so there is no reward given, or very little reward.
The last element is to set goals. If you do not know what you want to receive, how can you ask for it? You will ask too little. Ask the wrong people. And in the end, receive far less than you hoped for. Creating wealth is simply the matter of understanding a few basic behaviors and sticking to them until it is time to receive.
About the Author:Mark Walters is a third generation entrepreneur and author. He offers free training and investing videos designed to speed you towards financial independence at
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Secret To Creating Wealth
The Secret Of The Millionaire Mind – Part 4
By Sylvia Dickens
Are you ready to learn the Ultimate Secret of the Millionaire Mind?
You’ll be glad to know it’s rather simple, actually. Let me take you back to your youth for a moment.
Remember the days when you had all those dreams and visions that persistently danced in your head? Remember pretending to be a rock star, a dancer, a swashbuckler, a cop or whatever it was that seemed like a good role for you back then.
For me, it was teaching, running a store, dancing and being a mermaid. I’d line up my dolls and stuffed animals and ‘teach’ them from a curriculum I created. I took a cardboard box, drew buttons on it, collected a bunch of items, and rang them into the ‘till’. While out walking, I pretended I was a dancer in one of those musicals, twirling around a post outside my church and running up and down the steps. Whenever I went swimming or took a bath, I held my feet together and ducked under like a mermaid.
When we grow up, we forget all those dreams or put them aside as unachievable. They were ‘games’ we played as kids, not careers we could actually have.
There were a few exceptions of course. Those are the people who knew exactly what they wanted and they designed their entire lives around getting it. Kids who wanted to be firefighters or cops or nurses or lawyers did everything that would lead them towards their goal.
Their interests were all-encompassing. They studied them, they experimented. In essence, they ‘became’ the person they wanted to be when they grew up. Without realizing it, they possessed the secret of the millionaire mind. Each day they took one step closer to their goal, year in and year out.
To become a millionaire, you have to really want it. You refuse to take no for an answer. You fill your entire day thinking about nothing else. Every action is designed to do one thing and one thing only: develop your millionaire life. Never allow negative impressions to enter your dream. Never allow yourself to be influenced by negative feedback, even that which comes from people you trust.
Here’s the ultimate key: Recapture your youthful attitude. Act like you are a millionaire already. This is crucial.
Just because you live in a regular house with regular clothes, regular possessions and a regular bank account doesn’t mean you can’t create the illusion of a millionaire lifestyle.
Think about things a millionaire enjoys that you can recreate, given your limited resources.
For example, their houses are probably spotless because they can hire maids to keep it that way. You can have a spotless house by scheduling chores that ensure your place remains tidy. Don’t allow it to become otherwise. If you are surrounded by sloppiness or disorganization, you will live that lifestyle.
Have you ever let your place go and decided it’s time to do a major cleanup? How did you feel afterwards? I’ll bet you felt fabulous. You’d accomplished something. Your place was more presentable and you felt the effects of that. You probably felt a little ‘richer’ for having a clean, tidy house with everything in its place for a change.
Another thing you can do is always dress the part. Ok, you probably can’t afford a $1000 suit, but that doesn’t mean you have to walk around in a paint-splattered track suit all day. At least get yourself a really good quality track suit, if that’s your favorite style. Not all millionaires dress to the nines.
Don’t allow your current status to influence you negatively. That means don’t let your situation bring you down, because it’s so easy to become down-hearted when your life isn’t where you want it to be. That’s when we tend to let things ‘slide’, from our appearance to our homes to our emotions.
Take care of yourself – treat yourself every day like you are going to an important meeting with distinguished people. Rather than having coffee in that old stained mug, use a rich-looking cup, perhaps with gold edging. Put on nice clothes, attractive jewelry, and whatever else you’d normally do.
Make the best of what you’ve got. Surround yourself with things that make you feel good about yourself. Take pride in yourself and everything around you. Before long, you will experience the secret of the millionaire mind.
Act like the millionaire you plan to become. Walk tall. Put on your best outfit, go out and show it off. If you can afford it, go ahead and buy yourself a small ‘expensive’ trinket – a small diamond or ruby or gold bracelet or tie stud. Wear it every day as a reminder that you are ‘becoming’ a millionaire.
The secret of the millionaire mind can be discovered quite easily if you get into the right attitude from the start. Decide you want to become a millionaire and put all your effort into that alone. Think about it every day, every hour. Treat yourself now and then in celebration of your success so far.
Most of all, believe it’s possible for you to become a millionaire. Stay positive. Play the role. Dress the part. Act as you will when you are a millionaire. Do the things you’ll do when you are rich. Visit places where richness surrounds you. Browse a Porsche or Cadillac showroom. Wander through expensive stores and admire the things you want. Absorb it all until it becomes you.
This is the ultimate secret of the millionaire mind.
I recently discovered “The Midas Method”, a book that further teaches you the secret of the millionaire mind. As I study it and apply the methods explained in the book, I’m posting my findings on my blog at There you can follow along and see how I get on with this method because I can assure you, I might say I don’t care about money but the truth is, I really do want to be a millionaire.
If you found this information helpful, here are some highly effective proven programs to assist you in becoming the person you want to be. . Stop Smoking, Anxiety Relief, Dog Training, Music Instruction (piano, guitar) and Family Vacation Getaway ideas are some of the topics covered on Sylvia’s site at Her travel magazine offers family vacation getaway ideas for fun and relaxation.
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The Secret of the Millionaire Mind – Part 3
By Sylvia Dickens
Everybody wants to know the secret of the millionaire mind, but they’d be surprised to learn that everyone has it. It’s just a matter of wiping away all the road blocks that are preventing it from surfacing and doing its thing.
Have you ever heard the expression, “You are what you think?” It means that if you think positively, you will enjoy positive results, but if you think negatively your results will be negative.
I’ve been reading a book that reveals the secret of the millionaire mind and it’s quite revealing. We might tend to think that the ‘secret’ is something special that makes people rich, but it’s not. It stems from having self esteem and confidence, which goes toward making you a positive person.
Positive people, for some reason, tend to make good decisions that get them to their goal.
Whether we are negative or positive, it will show in how we think through a situation.
Let’s take a simple goal like mowing the lawn. Let’s suppose you’ve never cut a lawn before and don’t know the first thing about it. What do you do?
First, you’ll look out and realize it needs cutting. A negative person would just sit back and say, “I don’t know how to do that,” whereas a positive person would think, “I have to learn how to do that or else the property will look terrible.”
The difference between the positive and the negative person is that the positive person doesn’t just look at the problem. He sees it as something that requires learning a skill and getting it done.
The secret of the millionaire mind is to focus on the goal, rather than on the problem. This is possible when positive thought rules. Those of us with a positive attitude get things done, one way or another. We have the self-confidence and the courage to move forward, to learn new things, to apply what we learn.
A millionaire mind doesn’t take no for an answer. At every obstacle, it constantly seeks solutions. Plans are made and put into action. Persistence and determination go hand in hand to create the desired success.
Knowing how to set goals and make good plans to achieve them is crucial. Having self-esteem plays a role here, because without it we doubt our abilities. In this frame of mind, we set unachievable goals to reinforce our beliefs that we are incapable (or unworthy) of becoming rich. Or worse, we just don’t set any goals at all.
I once met a major magazine publisher in Toronto, Canada who, to me, was the epitome of what makes a millionaire. He was confident. He would stride through the office and down the street, his head held high. Everyone he met immediately felt his presence. It was quite the experience to sit before him and sense his strength and determination – his positive attitude filling the room.
He definitely held the secret of the millionaire mind. He owned one of the largest publishing firms in the country, along with other interests that kept him motivated. It was difficult to hold him down for long because he was always anxious to get things done, and he did it with a constant smile and pleasantries all around, as well as a sense of humor.
To recap, the secret of the millionaire mind covers several areas that we can all master.
Build a positive attitude and strong self esteem
Be determined and confident
Develop the habit of looking at the solutions, rather than at the problems
Develop good goal-setting skills and an effective plan to make them happen.
I recently discovered “The Midas Method”, a book that further teaches you the secret of the millionaire mind. As I study it and apply the methods explained in the book, I’m posting my findings on my blog at . There you can follow along and see how I get on with this method because I can assure you, I might say I don’t care about money, but the truth is, I really do want to be a millionaire.
If you found this information helpful, here are some highly effective proven programs to assist you in becoming the person you want to be. Visit . Stop Smoking, Anxiety Relief, Dog Training, Music Instruction (piano, guitar) and Family Vacation Getaway ideas are some of the topics covered on Sylvia’s site at . Her travel magazine offers family vacation getaway ideas for fun and relaxation.
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The Secret of the Millionaire Mind – Part 2
By Sylvia Dickens
We’ve already established that the secret of the millionaire mind has it’s foundations in our belief systems. It goes a little deeper than that though.
The top secret of the millionaire mind is to have an attitude of “I Can”. Too many of us have an “I Can’t” mentality because we truly believe there are things in our personality or minds or lives that tell us we don’t have the ability or the opportunity or we don’t deserve certain things.
Forget about your ability to become a millionaire. Just decide it’s what you want. Look into your mind and dig out something you’ve desired, but made yourself believe you don’t really want. Are you happy with your current vehicle? What would be your ideal vehicle? Is your house really the one you want to live in? Or have you just settled for this one because it was what you could afford?
The secret is to not settle for second best. If you really want a new luxury Lincoln, don’t settle for your current 9-year-old Toyota / Ford / Chevrolet / Honda. Set your goals high and believe that they can be achieved, then set out a definite plan for their achievement.
The next secret of the millionaire mind is to stay determined and persistent in achieving your goals and desires. Along with this secret is the inner force, or energy, that gives us the drive to make them happen. This is the drive that comes from true desire mixed with a strong positive self image.
It’s one thing to have an “I Can” attitude, but it won’t help much if you don’t put it into practice or if you overshadow it with excuses.
Do you believe you have the secret of the millionaire mind? Do you believe you can achieve anything you want? Do you believe you can become a millionaire if you really want to? Do you believe that to become a millionaire, you simply have to apply yourself?
Do you hear a voice telling you that you could become a millionaire, but it just doesn’t interest you right now? Do you hear your other excuses? That’s what these are. Excuses not to go after your true desire to become rich. If you listen closely, you’ll hear all kinds of excuses.
One of my favorites is, “I could be a millionaire if I truly wanted to be one, but I’m really not interested in money all that much.” What a cop-out! I’ve done an excellent job over the years of convincing myself that I really don’t care about money as long as I have enough to get by.
The fact is, this is an outright lie. If someone handed me a million dollars, do you think I’m going to pass it up? Not on your life. But the strange thing is, when I think that I do want to become rich, there is a subtle fear rumbling underneath that needs to be identified, because that’s what’s been holding me back all these years.
What’s your excuse? Do any of these sound familiar?
“I can if I want, but it takes work and I don’t have that kind of time right now.”
“Becoming a millionaire is easy. I could become one if I had a plan, but I’m not really interested in getting into any more projects.”
“I’m already comfortable with what I’ve got, so I don’t really need a million dollars at the moment.”
“If only…” (fill in your own excuse – ‘had the education, know-how, money to work with’)
Having an “I Can” mentality means you don’t allow any excuses that ensure you stay exactly where you are. This is the secret of the millionaire mind. Learn how to remove those excuses and turn them into positives.
“I can and I will… make the time this week.”
“I can come up with some terrific plan that sparks my interest and I’ll start work on it right away.”
“I’m comfortable now, but I’ve always wanted a new (car, house, boat, workshop, garden). The sooner I become a millionaire the sooner I can add those to my pleasures.”
The secret of the millionaire mind is not to let anything get in the way of progress. Don’t let setbacks stop you. Make those plans and stick with them. Work at them a bit at a time until they are achieved. Enjoy the millions as they roll in, and then go out and make more millions.
How do you remove those excuses? For one thing, you can be sure they are really coming from your subconscious mind. You are afraid of something, as I am, that is related to that goal. You need to find out what that fear is so you can defeat it. You have to learn how to talk directly to your subconscious mind and change those early beliefs that you set in place many many years ago.
recently discovered a product that will help you to do that. I’m already studying it and applying the methods explained in the book, “The Midas Method”. I’m posting my findings on my blog at where I include an inside look at the product and my progress. You can follow along and see how I get on with this method because I can assure you, I might say I don’t care about money, but the truth is, I really do want to be a millionaire.
If you found this information helpful, here are some highly effective proven programs to assist you in becoming the person you want to be. . Sylvia Dickens is an award-winning journalist who has struggled and overcome depression, panic and anxiety. Formerly with the Canadian Mental Health Association, she's written, "A Guide to Teenage Depression & Suicide" and offers several books to cure panic quickly and without medication, along with other popular topics. You can learn more at Her travel magazine offers family vacation getaway ideas for fun and relaxation.
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The Secret of the Millionaire Mind – Part 1
By Sylvia Dickens
Who doesn’t like the idea of becoming a millionaire? It removes all financial worries, provides current and future comforts, ensures a worry-free retirement, and enables us to do absolutely anything we want, when we want. It removes so many restrictions. It can make life fabulous.
No wonder people are always grappling with the question of how to achieve financial wealth, and how to become a millionaire – they demand to know the secret of the millionaire mind.
Many believe the answer lies in this mysterious secret. To become a millionaire surely must require some special skill ‘the rest’ of us just don’t have or haven’t mastered. Some of us believe we’re just not smart enough to figure it out, or we aren’t fortunate enough. It’s just not in us to become millionaires. Blaming is also part of the ‘excuse’ we use when things don’t work out.
There are many theories on why some people become millionaires and others don’t. The economy right now is ripe for people to make a lot of money, more so than ever.
The common theories, or opinions, are that millionaires are ‘just lucky’, or they came into money so it was easy to make more.
The answer eludes us. Many of us even believe we’ll never know that secret of the millionaire mind.
People often say, ‘it’s easy to make money’, yet so many of us are still struggling only to make a pittance. We are at the mercy of our bosses who control the purse strings. We slave away, hoping to learn that secret
Fact of the matter is, anyone can become a millionaire. Many millionaires have already proven that. Some came from a background of poverty where there was no inheritance to get them started. Look at Oprah. She is the perfect example of a person who came from a home with little to becoming not a millionaire, but a multi-billionaire. So what was her secret?
The quick answer is that there are many elements that make up that secret, starting with how we feel about ourselves. Much of what we accomplish is largely based on our self-image and whether it’s good or not so good.
Do you think Oprah would have become rich if she’d allowed negativity to move her forward?
If negativity exists, you can never expect to become rich. So you could say success absolutely does have its roots in the mind.
The secret of the millionaire mind is that only positive thoughts and beliefs are allowed to exist there. Unfortunately, the negativity that many of us have comes from our sub-conscious beliefs. That’s where we placed our early beliefs based on how we decided to respond to our environment. These subconscious beliefs became ingrained at a very early age – most of it before the age of 5.
A majority of people don’t even know they hold negative beliefs. That’s where listening to our thoughts can be very revealing.
If we listen closely, we’ll hear thoughts like these:
“If only I had more education when I was young…”
“Millionaires got a good start in life, not like me…”
“I never had the support growing up, but if I had, I’d be a millionaire today…”
“I’m not smart enough, just look at my track record…”
“Bills keep coming, my job doesn’t pay enough to get by. I can never get out from under…”
“I have a family to support. I have responsibilities that take up all my money…”
“I don’t deserve to be rich…”
“Yea, being rich would be nice, but I don’t know the first thing about how to become rich...”
“I don’t have any money to blow trying to invest and make big money…”
Do any of those sound familiar? Keep listening and you’re sure to identify your own negative thoughts. Watch for anything that sounds like an ‘excuse’, because that’s all they are. Excuses to prevent you from making any changes that might make you uncomfortable.
The millionaire, if he or she didn’t already have a positive self image, learned how to reprogram those subconscious beliefs. This is the secret of the millionaire mind.
It’s a difficult task to make this drastic change in your subconscious if you don’t know how to do this. There is a product that can teach you, however.
I recently came across an ebook titled, “The Midas Method”. It explains in simple steps how to get into your subconscious and change it. It details exactly what you have to do in order to share the secret of the millionaire mind. It covers such topics as goal setting, how to develop a positive self image, how to overcome your negative beliefs in yourself and your abilities, and what you have to do to achieve your goals, whether they are to become wealthy or to make other improvements in your life.
I’m currently working on a real-time book review where you can follow along with my experience with this product. Every week I will be doing the exercises and entering my findings on my blog so you can follow along.
If you found this information helpful, here are some highly effective proven programs to assist you in becoming the person you want to be. . Sylvia Dickens is an award-winning journalist who has struggled and overcome depression, panic and anxiety. Formerly with the Canadian Mental Health Association, she's written, "A Guide to Teenage Depression & Suicide" and offers several books to cure panic quickly and without medication, along with other popular topics. You can learn more at Her travel magazine offers family vacation getaway ideas for fun and relaxation.
Home Business Ideas for Beginners I
By Sean Ray
You are new to internet marketing and you need some advice on how to start. You are not alone, and here are some home business ideas for beginners to the big, big, world of internet marketing.
The fact that you are new to this business does not necessarily imply that you do not have a product. In fact most people who enter into internet marketing with their eyes open either have a product to sell or an idea for one. However, let’s assume that you have none and are looking for a quick entry into this fascinating industry. What are the possibilities?
In order to make the most of internet marketing you need your own product. While you are working on it, you can make money selling other people’s products. There is more than one way to do this. The first is affiliate marketing whereby you sell another person’s product for a commission. Although you can sell hard goods and soft electronically delivered goods, the best commission deals are with the electronically deliverable goods such as software and ebooks. You can sell the same product time and time again, whereas with hard goods there are material and delivery costs involved with every item.
Typical commissions for hard goods are 5% - 10%, whereas those for electronic goods such as software or ebooks are around 50%. That’s right. You typically earn 50% for every ebook you sell. That is why affiliate marketing is a technique of choice by many internet marketers who have no intention of producing their own product other than an ebook relating to others how they did it.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Internet Article Marketing
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
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Breakthroughs Now.
by: Paul Lemberg
As a business coach I have written a great deal about building a higher performance venture, creating breakthroughs, inventing the future, and generally moving faster than the speed of change -- or at the very least -- moving faster than your competitors.
The most important thing you can do now - right at this moment - is get moving on something that's going to make a big, a tremendous difference.
Reading this little bit of coaching and simply setting it down, even if you say to yourself "Wow! That sounds like it will work!" will, as you know already, accomplish nothing.
Pick a problem -- pick something you've been thinking about for a while -- and apply any and all ideas that you think fit that best.
Or pick any business coaching article at random and put it to work. You needn't start big (although that would be my personal preference) - start small if you like.
Choose an idea and bring it to your next management meeting. Have your team help you flesh it out and put it into action.
(And if you ARE your team, you can get busy immediately.)
Or take a take a concept and apply it to that thorny sales problem you have. Perhaps some of your staff can be supercharged by a particular possibility.
Start anywhere, start doing anything, but start.
If you want a breakthrough, you must first decide to create a breakthrough. If you want to shape the future, you must see its possibility in your mind's eye.
And then get busy.
About The Author
Paul Lemberg is the president of Quantum Growth Coaching, the world's only fully systemized business coaching program guaranteed to help entrepreneurs rapidly create More Profits and More Life(tm). To get your copy of our free special report with detailed steps on how to grow your business at least 40% faster, even when you aren’t sure what to do next, go to
How To Make Mistakes.
by: Paul Lemberg
Promoting risk taking and eliminating fear of failure.
It would be a mistake to try to avoid all mistakes. Indeed, it would be a colossal blunder to attempt doing things right the first time, every time. In today's light speed economy, ("new" economy and "old" economy) if you don't fall on your face both regularly and painfully, you are likely to end up dead instead. The only people not making mistakes are ones playing their game without risk and without novelty - and I might add - without progress. If your company cannot accommodate, even reward, failure - in the long run, you cannot succeed.
Why? Doing things wrong, is the number one - perhaps the only - source of innovation. David Kelly, CEO of design firm IDEO, says, "...enlightened trial and error beats the planning of flawless intellects...The reason is simple: the best solutions to most problems are rarely the most obvious." James Joyce said it poetically, "Mistakes are the portals of discovery." Think about it. What did you ever learn by doing something right the first time?
IBM's rumored motto about mistakes is legendary: Fail Faster. Since the road to success is paved with failures, the faster you move through them, the faster you might find a way which works. Don't prolong the agony, get it over with quickly, learn the most you can, and move on. IDEO's Kelly says it succinctly, "we fail faster to succeed sooner."
World leaders and scientists have wonderful legacy of being wrong in a big way. Edison's tolerance for "mistakes" is renowned. The European "discovery" of America was a mistake. Even the invention of Teflon was a mistake.
Great companies also have a long and gallant history of failing. AMC's Gremlin was a big flop, but paved the way for ever-popular hatchbacks. What about New York City's World Trade Center, one of the first "cities in a building," remained half-empty for almost a whole decade. There are many famous failed computers, including Apple's Lisa and Newton or the Palm Pilot's predecessor, Zoomer - evidence that failures breed innovations rather than stifling them. Not all business failures are so glorious. 65 out 100 business startups vanish without a trace within five years and 90% are gone within ten years. But we need these failures - without them there would no companies to survive.
If you are in the surgery business or fly airplanes for a living, you may not want to make any mistakes. But for the rest of us - especially if you are in a technology business - doing things wrong is prerequisite to doing things right. As the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein said, "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done."
Internet Time doesn't simply mean working 18-hour days. It means trying lots of ideas, making mistakes, and killing off bad results quickly. Many "old economy" managers still want to take their time and make sure everything is thought out - all the I's dotted, all the Ts crossed. Don't do it! You no longer have that luxury - if you ever did. Don't slow down your development cycle, speed it up.
In the spirit of failing quickly, here are a few ideas and tips for you to try out. Some will work for you. Others will not. Try and fail.
Don't penalize mistakes, encourage them. How about rewarding them? Create a bonus for the most brilliant (or most flagrant) mistake of the month. Put risk-taking mistake-makers' faces on your website or in your newsletter. Many companies say they encourage mistakes, but really intimidate and punish the mistake-makers. As soon as you begin to do that you foster a better-safe-than-sorry attitude. Instead, put your money where your mouth is.
What about having a regular meeting dissecting the mistakes-of-the-month, trying to learn their lessons. Train people to savor their mistakes, and understand the strange paths which lead them astray.
Use rapid prototyping. This technical-sounding phrase simply means doing things quickly without trying to get them into final form, making mistakes and swiftly fixing them. Get something up and running - anything that resembles your desired solution. Then fix what isn't working. And fix, and fix, and fix. This may be the best way to do product development in Internet Time, also known as creative trial and error.
When things go wrong, do you sound a hunt for the guilty? Don't cast blame - commemorate mistake makers as heroes. One of the reasons mistakes go undetected - and progress slowed - is that people aren't willing to take "credit" for their errors. Rather than calling attention to things which are off course (and risking their careers), they prefer to bury them for as long as possible.
Use the concept of a "breakdown." When your car breaks down, do you blame the driver, or do you just fix the problem? When a project or a process is veering off course, treat it like a breakdown. Rather than spending time deciding who did what wrong, do this: restate where you are want to go and figure out what will get you back on track. During the Iran Contra Scandal, President Reagan intoned, "Mistakes were made." There was no admission of guilt. No fixing of blame. Perhaps we can learn from this brilliant locution.
Create a company of learners with a formal debriefing policy. Without one, learning from mistakes is just one more accident. Debrief everything - good, bad or indifferent. Use the four-stage catechism of the learning organization: What worked? What didn't work? What was missing? What do we do next?
One way to really get things moving on a project is to declare a "state of emergency." Emergencies mobilize people. They bring out the whatever-it-takes attitude, especially when they know that "mistakes" will be tolerated, and that mistake-makers will be lionized.
Forget about total quality and zero defects. You can't afford it, especially in this day and age. Think of the 80/20 rule, or extend it to 90/10. There is a level of quality beyond which "mistakes" are a viable economic alternative. Unless the outcome of your product or service impacts life or death, the cost of perfection can not be justified. Use the errors you generate as opportunities to improve your production process and practice great customer service.
Remember, the hallmark of progress is making mistakes.
About The Author
Paul Lemberg is the president of Quantum Growth Coaching, the world's only fully systemized business coaching program guaranteed to help entrepreneurs rapidly create More Profits and More Life(tm). To get your copy of our free special report with detailed steps on how to grow your business at least 40% faster, even when you aren’t sure what to do next, go to
5 Tips For Using Critical Thinking For Business Success
By: Mario C Churchill
Any aspect of your life – most especially your work, business, or career – can benefit from critical thinking. You just need to practice it constantly.
What is Critical Thinking?
The mind thinks in different ways. It can be influenced by various factors as well, and in the matter of relationships, for instance, what the heart says usually overwhelms what the mind suggests.
In business, critical thinking often war with instinct. Critical thinking is a process that seeks to deal with facts derived by experience, rationalization, examination and other methods. Critical thinking, although difficult to master, is a simple process because it adheres to essential values like logic, relevance, and reliability. Instinct on the other hand is a basic feeling that at times has the power of indicating the rightness of a decision even if all other evidence is to the contrary.
If you compare the two, critical thinking is definitely the better process to rely on because it deals with verifiable facts alone.
5 Tips for Using Critical Thinking for Business Success
Know the Difference between Fact and Fiction – Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction – even in the business world – but there’s nothing else to do but believe it if it’s indeed the truth. It takes time and experience to distinguish truth from fiction or hearsay, but no matter how practiced you are, there will always be times that you’ll find it hard to choose, which brings us to the next tip…
Always Verify the Source – Facts and fiction both have sources. The main difference, however, between both sources is that one is verifiable and reliable while the other can be neither verified nor relied on. Even if it’s hard to locate the exact and original source of the information you’re concerned with, don’t give up. If you do, people who seek to deceive or cheat you out of your money will only use your quitting attitude as encouragement to place more hurdles in your path.
Also, no matter how trustworthy or close to you the source is, don’t allow your relationship with the source to influence your judgment. Make it a point to withhold judgment until someone provides you with documentary evidence and hard proof for the information you’re concerned with.
Verification Isn’t Enough. Check for Accuracy as Well. – Just because the facts are verifiable doesn’t mean you can rely on them completely. Check its accuracy as well. Are all the facts reported in the correct order? Are the numerical figures reported accurate? Even the slightest inaccuracy can spell a lot of difference if you’re wheeling and dealing contracts that are worth thousands of dollars.
Don’t Stop Asking Questions – Let’s say you’ve decided upon an alternative or your team has finally provided a solution for your business. No matter how great the alternative or solution sounds, don’t take it at face value. Question everything. Ask all the questions you can think of. The more you ask, the more chances you’ll be able to verify whether there are hidden loopholes in the argument presented. Don’t be intimidated even if the person across you has supposedly greater intelligence. There’s nothing wrong in asking, after all. Asking just shows that you’re inquisitive and not lacking in intelligence.
Pride Cometh Before a Fall – Lastly, don’t allow pride or ego to influence your position. Don’t stubbornly cling to your point of view if all evidence provided supports the contrary. If you want to be an excellent critical thinker, you must remember that gaining the right facts – and not having the winning argument - is your goal.
Article Source:
Mario Churchill makes it quicker and easier for you to create profitable business ideas, develop your marketing strategy or start brainstorming on any topic. For a free trial, please visit
Pay Yourself First!
Author: Ricky Schmidt
What exactly do I mean by this?
If you use up your entire salary every month without putting some of it away for yourself, you'll never create financial wealth and freedom and have the life we all so much desire.
By paying yourself first you FIRST save some of your salary that you earn every month and then live on the rest!
Now I know that for some this is easier said than done. Most of us don't start paying ourselves first when we, as young people, get into the working world earning our first few bucks. Being happy about our first salaries, we don't think or worry much about what will come at a later stage in our lives.
By the time most of us finally realize that we have to do something to sustain ourselves and to maintain our standard of living even after our working life, a lot of debt has, more often than not, accumulated already and many are too busy paying off these debts every month with the result that most people don't have enough left to save.
Now I'm not talking about debts like mortgages on your house or similar debts to that effect. I'm talking about these silly little consumer debts or unexpected debts and bills that get dropped into our mail box from time to time.
Now there's a neat little trick that I have applied to pay debts and still have money left for myself. And my bank account has never been in the red ever since!
So here's how you can deal with debt:
Never use everything that you may have left at the end of the month to pay off debts!
First, it's an economic rule that you should never spend more than you take in. But should the situation occur that one day you will get the one or other bill that will overdraw your account,
you can do the following:
Arrange with your creditor to pay the debt/bill in installments. Even if you have the money, you don't have to tell him this. It's none of his business anyway. But you have to indicate that you are willing to pay up, it's just that you don't have the entire amount right now. If you are showing you willingness to pay, 99% of all times I have experienced that a creditor will agree in getting his money in installments.
I'll give you a practical example:
A few years ago I got a bill of 1800 Deutsche Mark (DM). Back then we didn't have the Euro yet. Although I had the money in another account, I said "no way"!
After all my expenses were covered there were about DM800 left in my checking account.
Using all this to pay the DM 1800 in 3 installments would have left me with nothing for myself at the end of the month. So I said that I couldn't come up with everything at once and if it was ok if I payed in installments of DM200 per month. It was no problem at all and I was still left with DM600 for myself at the end of the month. Money that I was able to use for myself and my investments.
So basically it was a win-win-situation because my creditor got what he was asking for and I had money left for myself. No one got hurt and everyone was satisfied.
Now some might argue: "but what about the interest charged"? Nope! Most don't even charge interest. They just want their money! That's all they're concerned about. And if they know that they are getting it, even just by installments, they'll leave you alone.
Dealing with debt in this way might not be everyone's cup of tea. What works for me doesn't have to work for you. But it's just an idea that I wanted to share with you that works perfectly for me.
Bottom line is, start saving and investing as early as possible and save at least 10 to 15% of your income if you can. You'll be well on your way to accumulating wealth.
Even if you can't afford 10 or 15%, put away at least something! How did Robert Allen, author of the bestseller "Multiple Streams of Income" put it in the first chapter? He said: "Financial Freedom on a Dollar a Day". Don't believe it?! Read the book!
All the best!
Ricky Schmidt
Source: Free Articles from
About the Author:
Ricky Schmidt's website was created out of frustration in trying to decode books, magazines and newsletters on the subject, which are supposed to be for beginners but are not because they're too difficult to understand. Too many "Big Words" and too much intelligent sounding grammar is used which is not very useful.
Clason's "The Richest Man in Babylon" Reveals the Fastest Way to Become Financially Savvy – Part 2
By: Ed Bagley
Copyright © 2007 Ed Bagley
Part 1 of this 2 Part series ends the synopsis of George Clason's book "The Richest Man in Babylon," but Clason raises an important question: Why should so few men be able to acquire so much gold?
The answer is because they know how.
One may not condemn a man for succeeding because he knows how. Neither may one with justice take away from a man what he has fairly earned, to give to men of less ability.
And so it was that the good king of Babylon sought out the richest man in Babylon to teach to others in his kingdom the secrets of his success.
This is a synopsis of what the richest man taught to the people of Babylon:
The Seven Cures for a Lean Wallet
1) Start your wallet to fattening. Save one-tenth of all you earn. Remember that a part of all I earn is mine to keep. Do this faithfully. Do not let the simplicity of this escape you.
When I ceased to pay out more than nine-tenths of my earnings, I got along just as well. I was not shorter than before, and, money came to me more easily than before.
2) Control your expenses. How is it that all do not earn the same yet all have lean wallets? Here is the truth: That which each of us calls our "necessary expenses" will always grow to equal our incomes unless we protest to the contrary.
Confuse not necessary expenses with desires. We all have more desires than our earnings can gratify. Examine which of the accepted expenses of living can be reduced or eliminated. Let your motto be 100% of appreciated value demanded for every dollar spent.
Budget your expenses so that your actual necessities are met without spending more than nine-tenths of your earnings.
3) Make your money multiply. Protect your growing treasure by putting it to labor and increasing. Money in your wallet earns nothing. Money that we earn from our money is but a start; it is the earnings generating earnings that builds fortunes.
When the richest man in Babylon loaned money to the shield maker to buy bronze, he said this: "Each time I loaned money to the shield maker, I loaned back also the rental he had paid me. Therefore not only did my capital increase, but its earnings likewise increased."
4) Guard your money from loss. Everyone has an idea of how to make quick money; few, however, have the evidence of making money to justify their idea, scheme or offer of quick riches. The first sound principle of investment is security for your principal.
Before you loan your money to any man assure yourself of his ability to repay your loan, and of his reputation to do so. Make no one a present of your hard-earned treasure.
Consult the wisdom of those experienced in handling money for profit. Such advice is often freely given for the asking, and may possess more value than the amount you are about to invest.
5) Make your home a profitable investment. When you can set aside only nine-tenths of what you earn to live, and can use a part of that nine-tenths to improve the investment in your housing, do it; owning your own home is also an investment that grows with your wealth.
Your family deserves a home they can enjoy and call their own. It builds a sense of stability and well-being.
6) Ensure a future income. Build income-producing assets that do not require you to work forever. We will all grow old and die.
You should prepare a suitable income for the days to come when you are no longer younger and cannot work as hard, and to make preparations for your family should you no longer be with them to comfort and support them. Provide in advance for the needs of your growing age, and the protection of your family.
7) Increase your ability to earn. Desire precedes accomplishment, and the desire must be strong and definite. When you have backed your desire for saving $1,000 with the strength and purpose to secure it, you can then save $2,000.
Desires must be simple and definite. Desires defeat their own purpose when they are too many, too confusing, or too difficult to accomplish. Cultivate your own powers to study and become wiser, more skillful, and more productive.
Here is more sage advice from Clason's masterpiece on financial matters:
The 5 Laws of Money
If you had to choose, would you choose tons of money or wisdom? Most men would take the money, ignore the wisdom, and waste the money. Here is the wisdom:
1) Money comes gladly and in increasing quantities to any man who will put aside not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and the future of his family.
2) Money labors diligently and contently for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying unto itself in infinity if kept working diligently. Money multiplies itself in surprising fashion.
3) Money clings to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it with the advice of men wise in its handling.
4) Money slips away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes that he is not familiar with, or which are not approved by those skilled in its keep. The inexperienced handler of money who trusts his own judgment, and puts his money in investments which he is not familiar, always pays with his money for his experience.
5) Money flees the man who would force it to impossible earnings, or who follows the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers, or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment.
Here is the hard lesson of the 5 Laws of Money: You cannot measure the value of wisdom in bags of money. Without wisdom, those who have it quickly lose money, but with wisdom, money can be secured by those who have it not.
This ends the condensation.
Article Source: ABC Article Directory
Ed Bagley is the Author of Ed Bagley's Blog, which he Publishes Daily with Fresh, Original Articles on Internet Marketing, Jobs and Careers, Movie Reviews, Sports and Recreation, and Lessons in Life intended to Delight, Inform, Educate and Motivate Readers. Visit Ed at . . .
Clason's "The Richest Man in Babylon" Reveals the Fastest Way to Become Financially Savvy – Part 1
By: Ed Bagley
Copyright © 2007 Ed Bagley
George Clason's book "The Richest Man in Babylon" reveals the fastest way to become financially savvy. It works today because money is governed today by the same laws that controlled it when prosperous men thronged the streets of Babylon 6,000 years ago.
Here is a synopsis of The Richest Man in Babylon and the important financial lessons it teaches:
A self-employed chariot builder becomes discouraged when, after years of hard work, he realizes that he will never become rich. He labors hard to build the finest chariots in the land, soft-heartedly hoping that some day the Gods will recognize his worthy deeds, and bestow upon him great prosperity.
He now realizes that the Gods could give a care about the work on his excellent chariots. He longs to be a man of means, and have the lifestyle of the richest man in Babylon, who was a childhood friend.
He confers with his best friend, a musician, who reminds him that it is not enough to have a fat wallet, as a man's wealth is not in the wallet he carries, because a fat wallet quickly empties if there be no golden stream to refill it.
The chariot builder decides to confront the richest man in Babylon, who he knew in his youth, and learn how he became so rich.
The chariot builder shares his lament with the richest man in Babylon, knowing that both he and the richest man in Babylon were once equal, played the same games in childhood, studied under the same masters, had equal talent and ability, and worked just as hard; now he works just as hard but his childhood companion has become the richest man in Babylon, while he still struggles.
The rich man replies, "If you have not acquired more than a bare existence in the years since we were youths, it is because you either have failed to learn the laws that govern the building of wealth, or else you do not observe them."
The richest man then explains that he had learned how to become rich from a moneylender, for whom he had provided a service in exchange for the moneylender's secret to success.
The moneylender said, "I found the road to wealth when I decided that a part of all I earned was mine to keep, and so will you."
The money lender tells the rich man, who was then a scribe in the hall of records, to set aside one-tenth of all he earns as his portion to keep.
A year later the young scribe comes back to the moneylender, who asks him if he has kept a tenth of all he earned.
When the scribe replies yes, the moneylender asks him what he has done with it.
The scribe says he has given it to a bricklayer who was going to foreign lands to buy jewels, which he and the bricklayer would sell for profit when he returned. The scribe ends up with nothing, as the bricklayer is sold worthless glass rather than fine jewels.
"Every fool must learn", says the money lender, "but why trust the knowledge of a bricklayer about jewels? Your savings are gone," continues the moneylender, "you have jerked up your wealth-tree by the roots. But plant another. Try again. And, this time, if you would have advice about jewels, go to the jewel merchant."
Another year passes, and again the scribe goes to the money lender, to tell him that he had saved one-tenth and given it to a shield maker to buy bronze, and each fourth month the shield maker pays him rental.
"That is good," says the moneylender, "And what did you do with the rental?" "I had a great feast and bought a beautiful scarlet tunic," replies the scribe.
"You squander your savings," admonishes the moneylender. "How do you expect your savings to work for you, and generate more savings to work for you? Get yourself an army of golden slaves to work for you, then many a rich banquet you may enjoy without regret."
Two years later the scribe again goes to the money lender, to tell him that he still saves one-tenth, invests it more wisely and now continues to do so. "Each time I loaned money to the shield maker, I loaned back also the rental he had paid me. Therefore not only did my capital increase, but its earnings likewise increased."
"You have learned your lessons well," says the moneylender.
"You first learned to live upon less than you could earn. Next you learned to seek advice from those who were competent through their own experience to give it. And, lastly, you have learned how to put money to work for you.
"You have taught yourself how to acquire money, how to keep it, and how to use your money to prosper. You are now competent for a responsible position."
The scribe goes on to become the richest man in Babylon.
It was apparent that no one could do for the scribe what the scribe had done for himself. Each man has to work out his own understanding of what needs to be done, and then prepare himself to take advantage of the opportunity to succeed in a big way.
The moral to the story The Richest Man in Babylon teaches this lesson: Proper preparation is the key to our success.
Article Source: ABC Article Directory
Ed Bagley is the Author of Ed Bagley's Blog, which he Publishes Daily with Fresh, Original Articles on Internet Marketing, Jobs and Careers, Movie Reviews, Sports and Recreation, and Lessons in Life intended to Delight, Inform, Educate and Motivate Readers. Visit Ed at . . .
Clason's "The Richest Man in Babylon" Reveals the Fastest Way to Become Financially Savvy – Part 1
By: Ed Bagley
Copyright © 2007 Ed Bagley
George Clason's book "The Richest Man in Babylon" reveals the fastest way to become financially savvy. It works today because money is governed today by the same laws that controlled it when prosperous men thronged the streets of Babylon 6,000 years ago.
Here is a synopsis of The Richest Man in Babylon and the important financial lessons it teaches:
A self-employed chariot builder becomes discouraged when, after years of hard work, he realizes that he will never become rich. He labors hard to build the finest chariots in the land, soft-heartedly hoping that some day the Gods will recognize his worthy deeds, and bestow upon him great prosperity.
He now realizes that the Gods could give a care about the work on his excellent chariots. He longs to be a man of means, and have the lifestyle of the richest man in Babylon, who was a childhood friend.
He confers with his best friend, a musician, who reminds him that it is not enough to have a fat wallet, as a man's wealth is not in the wallet he carries, because a fat wallet quickly empties if there be no golden stream to refill it.
The chariot builder decides to confront the richest man in Babylon, who he knew in his youth, and learn how he became so rich.
The chariot builder shares his lament with the richest man in Babylon, knowing that both he and the richest man in Babylon were once equal, played the same games in childhood, studied under the same masters, had equal talent and ability, and worked just as hard; now he works just as hard but his childhood companion has become the richest man in Babylon, while he still struggles.
The rich man replies, "If you have not acquired more than a bare existence in the years since we were youths, it is because you either have failed to learn the laws that govern the building of wealth, or else you do not observe them."
The richest man then explains that he had learned how to become rich from a moneylender, for whom he had provided a service in exchange for the moneylender's secret to success.
The moneylender said, "I found the road to wealth when I decided that a part of all I earned was mine to keep, and so will you."
The money lender tells the rich man, who was then a scribe in the hall of records, to set aside one-tenth of all he earns as his portion to keep.
A year later the young scribe comes back to the moneylender, who asks him if he has kept a tenth of all he earned.
When the scribe replies yes, the moneylender asks him what he has done with it.
The scribe says he has given it to a bricklayer who was going to foreign lands to buy jewels, which he and the bricklayer would sell for profit when he returned. The scribe ends up with nothing, as the bricklayer is sold worthless glass rather than fine jewels.
"Every fool must learn", says the money lender, "but why trust the knowledge of a bricklayer about jewels? Your savings are gone," continues the moneylender, "you have jerked up your wealth-tree by the roots. But plant another. Try again. And, this time, if you would have advice about jewels, go to the jewel merchant."
Another year passes, and again the scribe goes to the money lender, to tell him that he had saved one-tenth and given it to a shield maker to buy bronze, and each fourth month the shield maker pays him rental.
"That is good," says the moneylender, "And what did you do with the rental?" "I had a great feast and bought a beautiful scarlet tunic," replies the scribe.
"You squander your savings," admonishes the moneylender. "How do you expect your savings to work for you, and generate more savings to work for you? Get yourself an army of golden slaves to work for you, then many a rich banquet you may enjoy without regret."
Two years later the scribe again goes to the money lender, to tell him that he still saves one-tenth, invests it more wisely and now continues to do so. "Each time I loaned money to the shield maker, I loaned back also the rental he had paid me. Therefore not only did my capital increase, but its earnings likewise increased."
"You have learned your lessons well," says the moneylender.
"You first learned to live upon less than you could earn. Next you learned to seek advice from those who were competent through their own experience to give it. And, lastly, you have learned how to put money to work for you.
"You have taught yourself how to acquire money, how to keep it, and how to use your money to prosper. You are now competent for a responsible position."
The scribe goes on to become the richest man in Babylon.
It was apparent that no one could do for the scribe what the scribe had done for himself. Each man has to work out his own understanding of what needs to be done, and then prepare himself to take advantage of the opportunity to succeed in a big way.
The moral to the story The Richest Man in Babylon teaches this lesson: Proper preparation is the key to our success.
Article Source: ABC Article Directory
Ed Bagley is the Author of Ed Bagley's Blog, which he Publishes Daily with Fresh, Original Articles on Internet Marketing, Jobs and Careers, Movie Reviews, Sports and Recreation, and Lessons in Life intended to Delight, Inform, Educate and Motivate Readers. Visit Ed at . . .
A Simple Get Rich Quick Idea.
By Martin Thomas
In the immortal words of Emmerson, "all I need is one idea" Overnight wealth has a certain stigma that "sensible" people seem to be resistant to. The idea of the get rich quick variety is an object of ridicule and derision in alot of peoples eyes. However, with a little focused action and the right knowledge, rapid wealth is not only possible for you, but inevitable for the determined.
The first thing I want to do is qualify the above by saying "quick" means several years not overnight. Sure, you could write a hit song or contemporary book but these have alot to do with chance. People with determination generally don't like chance because control is a solid aspect of wealth generation.
Anyone can have an idea. By that I mean virtually any idea can become workable unless its just totally "out there" What matters is that you act. But more then that, before you act, you must know how to make it work. Thats really what most people with a good idea lack.
So knowledge again is where the central workability comes from. So let me give you some knowledge right now. The knowledge of the wealthy. There are many ways to get rich very rapidly but I offer you an example below and some insights about what the wealthy know and have known for centuries.
Arbitrage is a concept that you should learn more about. Its a word that circulates in financial circles and is therefore obscured to the average person as just some odd french word that the stock market people use.
The truth is that arbitrage is the single biggest idea about wealth that you should understand. Doing an arbitrage deal is literally this........If I offered you 70 cents for your crisp clean dollar note would you take the deal? What if you had $100,000 and I had $75,000 and I said look, let me deposit this money into your account in exchange for your money? Straight swap. How would you feel about that?
Well I imagine you'd say no. I wouldn't blame you, its hardly a fair deal. Arbitraguers do this all day long. But this is the difference.
We deal in value and perceptions not numerical currency like cash. Or we deal wholesale and sell retail. There are hundreds of ways that I can swap my 70 cents for somebody elses dollar.
The wealthy have practiced arbitrage for as long as currency existed because arbitrage is the secret road to wealth. A secret that will never be openly talked about because it is so tightly held. My little contribution here will do nothing to change that balance, but consider yourself fortunate to learn about this and maybe it will spurr you on to a new life.
Here is a real world example of arbitrage that I practiced many years ago, when I was starting out broke, dejected, but hopeful.
It wasnt long ago but seems like centuries ago. Its pre-history now. One form of arbitrage is the concept of economies of scale. This arbitrage strategy relies on a single fact. An irrefutable reality about fiscal life on the planet earth. Here it is. When you buy something (of anything) in bulk, you are entitled to and more often then not get a very large discount on your purchase. When this bulk amount is "split up" and re-sold in traditional more popular chunks, your investment will return a decent profit.
So here is a get rich quick idea. One you can use right now to establish an income stream to replace your daily job. It can be reproduced and systemized to manufacture a very healthy income indeed.
When you look at newspaper and local journal price lists, you will notice they are very yielding to this concept of economies of scale. Simply a small ad may cost $140 for example. But buy a full page and you only pay say $900. Why? because its less work for the publication. Well my idea was to start a weekly page called "Martins Market" I approached 200 business owners face to face and told them they can get a small ad in my one page spread "Martins Market" for just $90 a full $50 cheaper then if they bought their ad from the paper directly. Do you think this offer interested a good percentage of the business owners I approached? You bet! Not only that, but they got a further discount if they paid up 6 months in advance.
I could fit 40 ads of that size onto my page. Being filled up, I made $3600 every week for an outlay of $900 for the page. I added value with nice graphics and the page got quite well recieved as my clients reported good returns from their ads. This was reproduced 20 times around the country, with 2 sales staff for every "Martins Market" I was netting close to $20,000 per week for a fairly lengthy period.
You will need a few dollars to try this, but its inevitable that if you do your research properly you can make this work and get exactly the same results.
My very best to you
Martin Thomas CEO opportunity
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Martin Thomas is a professional investor that trades in yachts, precious stones and real estate. Jack Reynolds is one of Martin's students, Jack was a broke Insurance salesman only 2 years ago, today he owns assets valued at several million dollars. What did Martin teach Jack in 24 short months? You can read about Jack's remarkable and rapid transformation and download Hayden's famous book "The Million Dollar Mentor" by clicking here
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Top 7 Ways To Get Rich.
By Alan Korber
Want to be one of the lucky ones on the road to riches, want to be on the freeway to financial freedom, on your way to wealth?
Here are the top 7 roads to riches, the top 7 easiest and fastest ways to acquire wealth ...
Inherit it
This is how today's old money families got their wealth. In the 1800's and early 1900's, before anti-trust laws, income taxes and political correctness, America's finest families built empires and amassed great wealth; in industries such as oil, banking, newspapers, sugar, transportation, land, bootlegging and even prostitution. And that original wealth was passed down to succeeding generations. The number one easiest and fastest way to acquire wealth is to inherit it. Unfortunately, inheriting wealth is mainly a matter of blood; you have to be born into the right family.
Marry it
If you can't inherit it the second easiest and fastest way to acquire wealth is to marry someone who is already wealthy. And sometimes that person may even be kind, generous, compatible and loveable. And, if not, divorce can pay off handsomely. Just remember to get married (and divorced) in a state that has favorable community property laws.
Work for it
If you can't inherit wealth and can't marry it then you can work for it. People rarely get rich having a job. Rather, they build a company and own it. And then often take that company public, collecting hundreds of millions, or billions, of dollars in doing so.
Or, they invent something useful and valuable which greatly benefits society, such as explosive devices like dynamite, or the paper clip or the thigh master or eBay.
Win it
If you can't inherit wealth, can't marry it or can't work for it then maybe you can win it. Lotteries abound, paying out multi-million dollar jackpots, and eventually someone always wins them. Unfortunately, you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning then winning the lottery. But, hey, it only costs a buck!
Steal it or deal it
If you can't inherit wealth and you can't marry it, work for it, or win it then maybe you could steal it or deal it.
You could become a CEO or chief financial officer for a big cash-rich company, cook the books, steal millions of dollars, buy a $20 million dollar home, lie to the feds, and hope you don't get caught, convicted and sent to Club Fed. I don't recommend anyone try to get rich this way.
Also not recommended is to deal it; to become a drug lord and generate hundreds of millions of dollars in cash dealing heroin, crack, meth and other non-FDA approved goodies and wholesaling it to pushers who will gladly resell it to anyone to wants it, ranging from children to movie stars. After all, aren't drug dealers just supplying what people want; even if it creates crime, ruins lives, kills people or could put you in jail for the rest of your life. Not a legal (or moral) way to get rich.
Gamble for it
If you can't inherit money, can't marry it, can't work for it, can't win it, can't steal or deal it then maybe you could gamble for it. Over 50 million people play poker. A few even make millions of dollars at it. You've seen them on television, winning or losing upwards of a million dollars on the turn of a card. Looks easy, doesn't it? They don't look so tough on TV; I bet any decent poker player (like me for instance) has a good chance of beating them on a lucky day. So maybe you could simply plunk down $3,000-$25,000 per tournament entry fee, or get a backer, join the World Poker Tour, win a few tournaments and get rich! Or maybe, in reality, the average amateur poker player has a snowball's chance in hell of getting rich that way.
Invest and get rich
If you can't inherit wealth, can't marry it, can't work for it, can't win it, can't steal or deal it or can't gamble for it then maybe you can invest and get rich. There are 2 good ways to invest and get rich; the real estate market and the stock market.
According to historical data, over time, real etate goes up a average of 10% a year. So getting rich in real estate tends to take a long time. And also requires a large down payment. Hard to get rich quick that way.
On the other hand, the stock market can be a good way to get rich. Stocks can go up dramatically over a relatively short period of time and make you rich but you have to have the money to invest and you have to pick the right stocks at the right time.
To recap how to get rich:
1. inherit it
2. marry it
3. work for it
4. win it
5. steal it or deal it
6. gamble for it
7. invest for it
These are the top 7 easiest and quickest ways people can get rich. How will YOU do it?
Alan Korber is the creator and publisher of the successful Korber Strategy, a simple easy-to-understand stock market investment strategy that can pinpoint stocks likely to go up 50%-100% in the next 12 months. His website is
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Why Did Wealthy People Get Wealthy?
By Steve Seah
Nearly everyone has some secret wealth creation strategy. This might be something as simple as improving your qualification or moving to a different job, or maybe starting a home-based business. There are even some who go through a deep study of the stock market and currency trading hoping to make a killer deal one day and then relax for the rest of their life.
Whenever we read something about the rich individuals around us there seems to be a feeling that these people have a knack for making money out of sheer nothing. The truth is that they do not have some secret strategy but their results are based on simple principles that anyone can follow.
Networking is often understood to be something that only marketers need to do but in actuality it is something that everyone must do. If you work with smart and motivated people then you have a better chance of success yourself. So choose the right people to work with.
Rich people never give up when they face difficulties or frustration or there seems no way to proceed. That is the main difference between them and everyone else. If you can stay persistent then you increase your chances of making money. Note that this does not apply to the gambling mentality.
You need to be a decision maker. People who hem and haw in confusion never get anywhere. To be a good decision maker you need to understand the issues involved so you can rapidly decide what is in your favor and what is not. In other words, do not start something you fully understand.
If you look around you will find that most people are busy doing the same thing and none of them are getting rich. To get rich you need to think a bit differently and come up with new ideas. These ideas can also come from information you acquire elsewhere. If you are interested in the stock market then read business magazines to know how the market is.
A timid person succeeds by chance. It takes courage to grip your fate by its horns and turn it the way you want. You must be bold and strong and willing to take calculated risks. Keep in mind that you are not likely to generate wealth unless you are willing to speculate because in the end all business is speculation. It may be 0.1% speculation but it is speculation nonetheless.
Do not be ashamed of insufficient capital or zero capital. Some of the largest fortunes in history were built using other people's money. You can do this too.
Learn effective time management. If you waste your time in irrelevant tasks that have no connection with your financial success then how can you succeed? Rich people are very focused and though they may appear to just laze around and enjoy life the truth is that they are working hard to manage their time between work and play. It is precisely because they manage their time better that they can work fewer hours.
Steve Seah is a corporate business manager learning entrepreneurship. Grab free reports and ebooks from this site and
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Which Money Making Program Should You Choose ?
Author: Richard How
If you want to make money you will have to make many decisions based on your own personal situation. Perhaps, the most important decision is what money making program you should choose. By choosing the best option for you, you will increase your overall chances of success from the start. When it comes down to it, making money online may be your best bet. Over the past few years this has been the most common way for people to make a lot of money without having to quit their day jobs, or greatly change their way of life.
A home business based around making money online is a great idea. If you are interested in doing this you should be aware that you will have to become familiar with many different aspects of business. Most important, internet marketing will come into play early on. It is the marketing techniques that you use which will determine how much success you have with your home business.
Many people who are interested in making money online turn to affiliate programs. With these, you can sell other companies products and/or services and get paid a commission for each sale. Of course, this is just one way idea when it comes to a home business based online.
Overall, it is up to you as to which money making program you choose. Working at home has a lot of advantages, but if you do not choose the right opportunity it can backfire on you. For this reason, it is very important that you research all of the different ways of making money online.
Success can be yours as long as you have the patience and persistence to ACT on the steps outlined for you. Remember, in this internet business , it is not a race. It is a journey.
Source: Free Articles from
About the Author:This is the most popular Gateway. This basic Website has been responsible for over ONE MILLION affiliates.
Making More Money From Home.
Author: Mario Churchill
The internet is a gold mine for all sorts of businesses. There are a lot of new companies who have job offers with stay at home option that means that you can stay at home and work and get paid loads of money. This is enticing for a lof of people because it gives one the sort of flexibility that is the dream of almost everyone. For new gradautes it is a comforting thought to work from home because usually a new graduate is not yet that keen in going mainstream and battling the corporate world.
There are also those individuals who wis to pursue various work opportunities in order to make more money and one of the ways to achieve this is to work from home. Housewives who can mutli-task are also open to working from home that way they can still do house chores and at the same time make more money for the family. The internet makes it possible for all of these people to make their dreams possible.
Companies who offer jobs workign from home are not the only ways on how the internet can help one make more money. There are actually a lot more people who start their own business online. Popular websites enable us to sell and re-sell products or services online. If you want to do away with the garage sale then do the selling online by taking pictures of the things you want to sell and posting them online.
If you are a designer of web pages or clothes and you want to sell yourself online then work your way to coming up with a fabulous website that will showcase your works. Build an exceptional online portfolio and soon expect correspondence from people who are interested in hiring you. The internet is a marketing tool that is cheap and accessible by almost every American. It is good then to take advantage of this and build your business around this powerful and global tool.
If you are not so sold into the idea of a business tied up with the internet then there is no problem with that. Take for example the business of catering. If you love cooking and have the time to cook for other people then take advantage of that. You can have a test run by inviting people to your house for a day of sampling. From then on you can start asking those who rave about the food you served if they want you to cater the next time they have a gathering.
Now if you are a musician, you can also gather some of your potential clients in your own home then stage a concert for them. While serving refreshments afterwards you can start saying that you are now open to offering your services for their future events. A more personal approach to businesses is good these days especially since there have been many cases of scams lately.
Use this personal approach. Make srue that youa re able to maintain the qualit of your products and services. Learn to say no to the right offers and no to even good offers that you cannot accommodate due to certain constraints. By practicing this, you are assured that your clients only get the best. If you still get more requests or orders then study the possibility of expanding and hiring people to help you.
Source: Free Articles from
About the Author:Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on a great business opportunity and learn how to make money checkout his recommended websites.
Making Money From Scratch.
Author: Mario Churchill
Money is hard to come by these days but if you have the will to really make it through then it is still very possible to make money and to make even more as each day goes by. The problem lies if you do not know where to start much more if your problem is the fact that you do not have money to begin with. How can you put up a business or invest in something when you do not have capital to begin with? Money can be found.
You just have to be strong in your resolve that once you get hold of that money you will promise to work on making more.
There are willing benefactors all aorund us. These are people with money who are laways on the look out to fidning individuals deserving of their financial an emotional support. Some of these benefactors can be well off relatives who are willing to shoulder your capital. Benefactors can also be the rich people in our community who wants to help budding entrepreneurs.
The government can also be a benefactor. They have programs to fund businessmen as long as they pass the requirements that often includes a business plan for a certain number of years.
If you have the funds but you think it is not enough then look for a business partner. They say that friends are bad business partners so go out of your circle and ask around for willing business partenrs. It is best to look for a business partner that can not only provide for additional funds but that someone should also complement you in terms of your strengths and weaknesses in handling a business.
If you are good with finance and human resources then your partner can be someone who is good in operations and marketing. This will enable the both of you to work together harmoniously by having certain areas of expertise.
You can also loan to banks but shop around for the best bank that can offer you the lowest interest rates. There are a hundred banks you can choose from and you are bound to find the one bank that will be most suitable for your needs. Also, make sure that
whatever money you loan is just enough for the business and that you can pay back the loan with at most 50% of your earnigns in the next one or two years.
Be careful because we do not want you to end up in debt in case the business does not work out. Read business books and bank guidelines to help you in your decision.
Make sure that you have a realistic business goal set up for yourself and for yourself in case you have finally decided to bring someone with you along. Also, do make sure that you have a fallback for while it is admirable to have the courage to get into something from nothing; it is also but practical to have something to go back to in case things do not work out the way we want it to.
Do start on a positive note though. Believe in the business you are about to start and work on making these dreams and long term goals into a reality. A reality that is not far from coming true.
Source: Free Articles from
About the Author:Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on a great business opportunity and learn how to make money checkout his recommended websites.
How To Make Money Flipping Real Estate.
Author: T J Madigan
Making money with real estate flipping is very possible. It is not the easiest thing in the world to do, but with a bit of skill and knowledge you can become a success in this niche of the real estate industry. The thing that you need to remember is that investing in any type of real estate is a risk. If you expect to come out on top every time you are not being realistic. And this holds true for making money with real estate flipping in particular.
The way that you make money by flipping real estate is quite simple. The first step that you will take is purchasing a piece of property for a low price. But do not just search by price. If you do this you may end up buying something that has no potential at all. From there, the next step is to fix the property up in order to make sure that it meets all of the codes, and that somebody would actually want to purchase it. Finally, the money making step of the process. You will sell the property for as much money as you can. In order to calculate your total profits, all you have to do is subtract the buying price and the money you put into the home from the selling price. This will tell you how much you have made with the particular transaction.
Those are the three basic steps to making money with real estate flipping. Even though there are many more details that go into it, if you are aware of the three basic steps you will at least know where to start.
Before you begin attempting to make money by flipping real estate you will want to learn as much as you can about the industry. Try to find information online, in books, and by speaking with people who have experience. This way you will not be left out in the dark when you get started. Some people make the mistake of being blinded by all the money that can be made. Even though this is a good thing, it should not be the only thing on your mind.
Overall, making money with real estate flipping may or may not be right for you. You may become a millionaire with real estate flipping, but at the same time you may lose money on some properties; it is impossible to say until you actually give it a shot.
Source: Free Articles from
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For more articles and information or to view a selection of real estate articles and information and flipping real estate articles and information visit - Your source for free Articles, Information and Website Content.
Getting Rich The Easy Way?
Author: Ron Gully
We have all heard the story about multi-millionaire Auction Site sellers, but how did they do it? Anecdotal evidence suggests that 85% or more got in on the ground floor. The real rich sellers got in when the auction site was a fledgling.
Why and how did this happen? It's simple - Auction sites treat their early big sellers like gold - and we know this from experience. We were a super seller on the biggest auction site around, but we couldn't break into the multi-millionaire category, however in our efforts to discover what it was that made the difference we wined and dine their executives.
It was during these, off the record, conversations that we were told how it was done and how they made millionaires out of hundreds and made multi millionaires out of dozens of their early adopters.
The secret is the in the relationship between the auction site and its "Star" sellers. So when you join a new Auction site it is important to make a serious effort to distinguish yourself from the other sellers in the crop by being conscientious and considerate of both your clients and the owners of the website.
Of course this is just the beginning; wealth comes through hard work endurance and persistence. The selection of the right Auction website is important and there are only a few new Auction sites with advanced seller programs and you don't find out about them until after you have proved yourself.
Once you join, spend a few weeks in establishing yourself, listing a good range of the product you have. Be careful not to fall into the trap of overpricing your products. If after a period of time you have not sold much, do not be disheartened, as this is the foot in you are looking for. Write a letter to the admin, telling them of your efforts and your desire to make both them and yourself succeed.
You will be surprised to find that many Auction site owners are ex-big sellers themselves and they will often be willing to pass these secrets onto their trusted sellers.
Source: Free Articles from
About the Author:Ron Gully is an Internet entrepreneur who successfully listed his stock market website on the Australian Stock Market in 1999. Ron currently runs a progressive Auction site at
Top 10 Tips For Your Investments.
Investments are an important part of planning for our retirement future. Professional investors know all the ropes and the best way to invest but most of us struggle along trying to make investments that will benefit us in the future. It’s like running blind. Try these top 10 tips for your investments and get the most out of your money.
1. Be Wary Of Unexpected Offers - When the phone rings or that email arrives presenting an extraordinaire offer that seems too good to not invest in, stop! Strangers who offer up schemes that offer to make you rich quick but require your investment right now, most likely are scams. If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is too good to be true. Be wary and thoroughly investigate any of these offers before you part with any of your hard earned money.
2. Don’t be Pressured - Walk away from investment opportunities that attempt to pressure you into investing immediately. Any one that tells you tomorrow will be too late or that you have to act this instant speaks volumes towards a scam that is trying to part you and your money.
3. Be Skeptical Of Large Returns - Proceed with caution and be very skeptical of any investment that guarantees to double your money in a short period of time. This is just not the way investments operate. Sure occasionally an investment can double in a short time period but generally this type of promotion is false. You’ll be lucky if you even see your initial investment back, and if you do don’t expect a higher return than the average return an investment produces.
4. Get It In Writing - Get the investment plan and contract in writing. Read it over thoroughly and do any necessary checks to ensure it is legitimate and above board. Realize that in our hi tech world it is very easy to create false documents so although the written contract is a good start you need to validate it as well.
5. Get The Prospectus - A prospectus outlines the financial statements of the investment plan, and the information about the plan or company. It also outlines past performance and future projections. Be sure to read the entire prospectus including the fine print which can often have important information in it that you should know about.
6. Get Professional Opinions - You should always ask a professional to have a look at the prospectus and give you their opinion. Ask your stock broker, accountant, investment broker, or even your attorney before committing yourself to any investment.
7. Be Suspicious Of Special Deals - If you are offered a special deal just for you, or a hot tip that no one else knows about, or inside information “between you and me” you should become suspicious immediately. These ploys to make you believe that you will have an advantage over other investors are meant to part you and your money. They have no basis of truth to them, after all insider trading is illegal and subject to severe penalties. Just ask Martha Stewart.
8. Choose Reputation - Always deal with a business or broker that is established and reputable. Never deal with anyone that you are unsure of, cannot confirm is associated with a reputable brokerage firm, or that is working independently. If a broker indicates he or she works for a specific brokerage firm like Waterhouse, you can verify this by calling the brokerage firm. Never part with your money unless you are 100% the investment is legitimate.
9. Confirmation - Check out any company or individual that is offering to sell you investments. Be sure they are licensed to sell securities. Find a local contact number by searching for Investor Protection for your area.
10. Run, Run Away Fast - When in doubt don’t just walk away from the deal, run away as fast as you can. If it’s an offer via the telephone hang up. Make no commitment to an offer you are unsure of or that appears to be too good to be true. Don’t allow them to draw you in.
Investments are very important to a comfortable retirement in the future. So be sure that you invest your hard earned money in sound investments. Follow these 10 tips for your investments and invest smart!
Deon Melchior is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit -
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