By Sylvia Dickens
Everybody wants to know the secret of the millionaire mind, but they’d be surprised to learn that everyone has it. It’s just a matter of wiping away all the road blocks that are preventing it from surfacing and doing its thing.
Have you ever heard the expression, “You are what you think?” It means that if you think positively, you will enjoy positive results, but if you think negatively your results will be negative.
I’ve been reading a book that reveals the secret of the millionaire mind and it’s quite revealing. We might tend to think that the ‘secret’ is something special that makes people rich, but it’s not. It stems from having self esteem and confidence, which goes toward making you a positive person.
Positive people, for some reason, tend to make good decisions that get them to their goal.
Whether we are negative or positive, it will show in how we think through a situation.
Let’s take a simple goal like mowing the lawn. Let’s suppose you’ve never cut a lawn before and don’t know the first thing about it. What do you do?
First, you’ll look out and realize it needs cutting. A negative person would just sit back and say, “I don’t know how to do that,” whereas a positive person would think, “I have to learn how to do that or else the property will look terrible.”
The difference between the positive and the negative person is that the positive person doesn’t just look at the problem. He sees it as something that requires learning a skill and getting it done.
The secret of the millionaire mind is to focus on the goal, rather than on the problem. This is possible when positive thought rules. Those of us with a positive attitude get things done, one way or another. We have the self-confidence and the courage to move forward, to learn new things, to apply what we learn.
A millionaire mind doesn’t take no for an answer. At every obstacle, it constantly seeks solutions. Plans are made and put into action. Persistence and determination go hand in hand to create the desired success.
Knowing how to set goals and make good plans to achieve them is crucial. Having self-esteem plays a role here, because without it we doubt our abilities. In this frame of mind, we set unachievable goals to reinforce our beliefs that we are incapable (or unworthy) of becoming rich. Or worse, we just don’t set any goals at all.
I once met a major magazine publisher in Toronto, Canada who, to me, was the epitome of what makes a millionaire. He was confident. He would stride through the office and down the street, his head held high. Everyone he met immediately felt his presence. It was quite the experience to sit before him and sense his strength and determination – his positive attitude filling the room.
He definitely held the secret of the millionaire mind. He owned one of the largest publishing firms in the country, along with other interests that kept him motivated. It was difficult to hold him down for long because he was always anxious to get things done, and he did it with a constant smile and pleasantries all around, as well as a sense of humor.
To recap, the secret of the millionaire mind covers several areas that we can all master.
Build a positive attitude and strong self esteem
Be determined and confident
Develop the habit of looking at the solutions, rather than at the problems
Develop good goal-setting skills and an effective plan to make them happen.
I recently discovered “The Midas Method”, a book that further teaches you the secret of the millionaire mind. As I study it and apply the methods explained in the book, I’m posting my findings on my blog at . There you can follow along and see how I get on with this method because I can assure you, I might say I don’t care about money, but the truth is, I really do want to be a millionaire.
If you found this information helpful, here are some highly effective proven programs to assist you in becoming the person you want to be. Visit . Stop Smoking, Anxiety Relief, Dog Training, Music Instruction (piano, guitar) and Family Vacation Getaway ideas are some of the topics covered on Sylvia’s site at . Her travel magazine offers family vacation getaway ideas for fun and relaxation.
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The Secret of the Millionaire Mind – Part 3