A Simple Get Rich Quick Idea.Top 7 Ways To Get Rich.Why Did Wealthy People Get Wealthy? ~ Make money,We learn to make money.

A Simple Get Rich Quick Idea.

By Martin Thomas

In the immortal words of Emmerson, "all I need is one idea" Overnight wealth has a certain stigma that "sensible" people seem to be resistant to. The idea of the get rich quick variety is an object of ridicule and derision in alot of peoples eyes. However, with a little focused action and the right knowledge, rapid wealth is not only possible for you, but inevitable for the determined.

The first thing I want to do is qualify the above by saying "quick" means several years not overnight. Sure, you could write a hit song or contemporary book but these have alot to do with chance. People with determination generally don't like chance because control is a solid aspect of wealth generation.

Anyone can have an idea. By that I mean virtually any idea can become workable unless its just totally "out there" What matters is that you act. But more then that, before you act, you must know how to make it work. Thats really what most people with a good idea lack.

So knowledge again is where the central workability comes from. So let me give you some knowledge right now. The knowledge of the wealthy. There are many ways to get rich very rapidly but I offer you an example below and some insights about what the wealthy know and have known for centuries.

Arbitrage is a concept that you should learn more about. Its a word that circulates in financial circles and is therefore obscured to the average person as just some odd french word that the stock market people use.

The truth is that arbitrage is the single biggest idea about wealth that you should understand. Doing an arbitrage deal is literally this........If I offered you 70 cents for your crisp clean dollar note would you take the deal? What if you had $100,000 and I had $75,000 and I said look, let me deposit this money into your account in exchange for your money? Straight swap. How would you feel about that?

Well I imagine you'd say no. I wouldn't blame you, its hardly a fair deal. Arbitraguers do this all day long. But this is the difference.

We deal in value and perceptions not numerical currency like cash. Or we deal wholesale and sell retail. There are hundreds of ways that I can swap my 70 cents for somebody elses dollar.

The wealthy have practiced arbitrage for as long as currency existed because arbitrage is the secret road to wealth. A secret that will never be openly talked about because it is so tightly held. My little contribution here will do nothing to change that balance, but consider yourself fortunate to learn about this and maybe it will spurr you on to a new life.

Here is a real world example of arbitrage that I practiced many years ago, when I was starting out broke, dejected, but hopeful.

It wasnt long ago but seems like centuries ago. Its pre-history now. One form of arbitrage is the concept of economies of scale. This arbitrage strategy relies on a single fact. An irrefutable reality about fiscal life on the planet earth. Here it is. When you buy something (of anything) in bulk, you are entitled to and more often then not get a very large discount on your purchase. When this bulk amount is "split up" and re-sold in traditional more popular chunks, your investment will return a decent profit.

So here is a get rich quick idea. One you can use right now to establish an income stream to replace your daily job. It can be reproduced and systemized to manufacture a very healthy income indeed.

When you look at newspaper and local journal price lists, you will notice they are very yielding to this concept of economies of scale. Simply a small ad may cost $140 for example. But buy a full page and you only pay say $900. Why? because its less work for the publication. Well my idea was to start a weekly page called "Martins Market" I approached 200 business owners face to face and told them they can get a small ad in my one page spread "Martins Market" for just $90 a full $50 cheaper then if they bought their ad from the paper directly. Do you think this offer interested a good percentage of the business owners I approached? You bet! Not only that, but they got a further discount if they paid up 6 months in advance.

I could fit 40 ads of that size onto my page. Being filled up, I made $3600 every week for an outlay of $900 for the page. I added value with nice graphics and the page got quite well recieved as my clients reported good returns from their ads. This was reproduced 20 times around the country, with 2 sales staff for every "Martins Market" I was netting close to $20,000 per week for a fairly lengthy period.

You will need a few dollars to try this, but its inevitable that if you do your research properly you can make this work and get exactly the same results.

My very best to you
Martin Thomas CEO opportunity investor.com

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Martin Thomas is a professional investor that trades in yachts, precious stones and real estate. Jack Reynolds is one of Martin's students, Jack was a broke Insurance salesman only 2 years ago, today he owns assets valued at several million dollars. What did Martin teach Jack in 24 short months? You can read about Jack's remarkable and rapid transformation and download Hayden's famous book "The Million Dollar Mentor" by clicking here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martin_Thomas

Top 7 Ways To Get Rich.

By Alan Korber

Want to be one of the lucky ones on the road to riches, want to be on the freeway to financial freedom, on your way to wealth?

Here are the top 7 roads to riches, the top 7 easiest and fastest ways to acquire wealth ...

Inherit it
This is how today's old money families got their wealth. In the 1800's and early 1900's, before anti-trust laws, income taxes and political correctness, America's finest families built empires and amassed great wealth; in industries such as oil, banking, newspapers, sugar, transportation, land, bootlegging and even prostitution. And that original wealth was passed down to succeeding generations. The number one easiest and fastest way to acquire wealth is to inherit it. Unfortunately, inheriting wealth is mainly a matter of blood; you have to be born into the right family.

Marry it
If you can't inherit it the second easiest and fastest way to acquire wealth is to marry someone who is already wealthy. And sometimes that person may even be kind, generous, compatible and loveable. And, if not, divorce can pay off handsomely. Just remember to get married (and divorced) in a state that has favorable community property laws.

Work for it
If you can't inherit wealth and can't marry it then you can work for it. People rarely get rich having a job. Rather, they build a company and own it. And then often take that company public, collecting hundreds of millions, or billions, of dollars in doing so.

Or, they invent something useful and valuable which greatly benefits society, such as explosive devices like dynamite, or the paper clip or the thigh master or eBay.

Win it
If you can't inherit wealth, can't marry it or can't work for it then maybe you can win it. Lotteries abound, paying out multi-million dollar jackpots, and eventually someone always wins them. Unfortunately, you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning then winning the lottery. But, hey, it only costs a buck!

Steal it or deal it
If you can't inherit wealth and you can't marry it, work for it, or win it then maybe you could steal it or deal it.

You could become a CEO or chief financial officer for a big cash-rich company, cook the books, steal millions of dollars, buy a $20 million dollar home, lie to the feds, and hope you don't get caught, convicted and sent to Club Fed. I don't recommend anyone try to get rich this way.

Also not recommended is to deal it; to become a drug lord and generate hundreds of millions of dollars in cash dealing heroin, crack, meth and other non-FDA approved goodies and wholesaling it to pushers who will gladly resell it to anyone to wants it, ranging from children to movie stars. After all, aren't drug dealers just supplying what people want; even if it creates crime, ruins lives, kills people or could put you in jail for the rest of your life. Not a legal (or moral) way to get rich.

Gamble for it
If you can't inherit money, can't marry it, can't work for it, can't win it, can't steal or deal it then maybe you could gamble for it. Over 50 million people play poker. A few even make millions of dollars at it. You've seen them on television, winning or losing upwards of a million dollars on the turn of a card. Looks easy, doesn't it? They don't look so tough on TV; I bet any decent poker player (like me for instance) has a good chance of beating them on a lucky day. So maybe you could simply plunk down $3,000-$25,000 per tournament entry fee, or get a backer, join the World Poker Tour, win a few tournaments and get rich! Or maybe, in reality, the average amateur poker player has a snowball's chance in hell of getting rich that way.

Invest and get rich
If you can't inherit wealth, can't marry it, can't work for it, can't win it, can't steal or deal it or can't gamble for it then maybe you can invest and get rich. There are 2 good ways to invest and get rich; the real estate market and the stock market.

According to historical data, over time, real etate goes up a average of 10% a year. So getting rich in real estate tends to take a long time. And also requires a large down payment. Hard to get rich quick that way.

On the other hand, the stock market can be a good way to get rich. Stocks can go up dramatically over a relatively short period of time and make you rich but you have to have the money to invest and you have to pick the right stocks at the right time.

To recap how to get rich:

1. inherit it

2. marry it

3. work for it

4. win it

5. steal it or deal it

6. gamble for it

7. invest for it

These are the top 7 easiest and quickest ways people can get rich. How will YOU do it?

Alan Korber is the creator and publisher of the successful Korber Strategy, a simple easy-to-understand stock market investment strategy that can pinpoint stocks likely to go up 50%-100% in the next 12 months. His website is www.akorber.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_Korber

Why Did Wealthy People Get Wealthy?

By Steve Seah

Nearly everyone has some secret wealth creation strategy. This might be something as simple as improving your qualification or moving to a different job, or maybe starting a home-based business. There are even some who go through a deep study of the stock market and currency trading hoping to make a killer deal one day and then relax for the rest of their life.

Whenever we read something about the rich individuals around us there seems to be a feeling that these people have a knack for making money out of sheer nothing. The truth is that they do not have some secret strategy but their results are based on simple principles that anyone can follow.

Networking is often understood to be something that only marketers need to do but in actuality it is something that everyone must do. If you work with smart and motivated people then you have a better chance of success yourself. So choose the right people to work with.

Rich people never give up when they face difficulties or frustration or there seems no way to proceed. That is the main difference between them and everyone else. If you can stay persistent then you increase your chances of making money. Note that this does not apply to the gambling mentality.

You need to be a decision maker. People who hem and haw in confusion never get anywhere. To be a good decision maker you need to understand the issues involved so you can rapidly decide what is in your favor and what is not. In other words, do not start something you fully understand.

If you look around you will find that most people are busy doing the same thing and none of them are getting rich. To get rich you need to think a bit differently and come up with new ideas. These ideas can also come from information you acquire elsewhere. If you are interested in the stock market then read business magazines to know how the market is.

A timid person succeeds by chance. It takes courage to grip your fate by its horns and turn it the way you want. You must be bold and strong and willing to take calculated risks. Keep in mind that you are not likely to generate wealth unless you are willing to speculate because in the end all business is speculation. It may be 0.1% speculation but it is speculation nonetheless.

Do not be ashamed of insufficient capital or zero capital. Some of the largest fortunes in history were built using other people's money. You can do this too.

Learn effective time management. If you waste your time in irrelevant tasks that have no connection with your financial success then how can you succeed? Rich people are very focused and though they may appear to just laze around and enjoy life the truth is that they are working hard to manage their time between work and play. It is precisely because they manage their time better that they can work fewer hours.

Steve Seah is a corporate business manager learning entrepreneurship. Grab free reports and ebooks from this site http://www.entrepreneur2b.com and http://www.mywealthcreationstrategy.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Seah