by YOUSEF JULAIDAN As convenient as online stock trading is, not many people utilize it correctly to make money from stocks. On the contrary, it was believed for some while that the ease and convenience of online stock trading made people even lose more money than before. This doesn't always have to be case because successful stock traders use online trading to easily make their transactions, manage their investments and take advantage of every profit opportunity they might find. Here are a couple of tips that will help you use online stock trading to your advantage. 1- Learn how to control your transactions: - This is the most important step that you have to take before you do anything else. All of the top trading accounts like E-trade or Ameritrade provide valuable and useful tools to help the online investor control their transaction. You can actually place buy and sell orders at defined price points and leave the whole thing to be automated! Not just that, you can place buy and sell orders to be executed on certain conditions or if the stock behaves in a certain way. For example, you bought a stock at $10 and you know that if it goes below $8 it will never stop falling. You can place an order to sell if the stock price reaches or drops below $8. Or you can place an order to sell the stock once it price reaches or rises above $13. 2- Learn the tools of the trade: - it isn't enough to open an online trading account, which is as easy as opening a PayPal account! All of the top trading accounts like E-trade or Ameritrade provide valuable and useful tools to help the online investor achieve maximum results. The tools you can find are like analysis tools where you can plug in some financial numbers concerning a certain stock like the price of stock, earnings per share, debt, equity, assets etc. After plugging in the numbers the analysis tool will calculate for you a number of ratios and financial indicators that will help you in making a decision like the debt to equity ratio, P/E ratio and book value of the stock. Another valuable tool that you can find is a real time tracking tool! Whenever you buy a stock, it goes into a table where real time data of the stock are displayed. Real time data like, stock price increases or decreases, selling or buying transactions and on what volumes and other indicators. This tool will actually instantly in real time calculate for you whether you are at loss or profit and the amount. 3- Use the speed of online trading to your advantage: - When you issue a buy or sell deal online, it will be executed in a matter of seconds. That's how fast it is nowadays. It could lead to a disastrous mistake for beginners who are new to the stock exchange. On the other hand, for the experienced traders, it is a blessing. You might have heard about day trading and actually the name help such in explaining it. Day trading is about stock traders who buy and sell stocks on the timeframe of one day. For example, a day trader can buy a stock on market opening at 9 a.m. and sell it anytime at the same day. This has only become possible because of the power of online trading. In order to use this method successfully, first determine your entry and exit points before hand and then place your orders. Very few stocks move big to give you big profits on the same day, but some do. In order to take advantage of these small ups and downs of the stock, you should invest larger amounts of money than usual. 4- Use the power of online research: - Nowadays, you can get any kind of information online. Suppose you want to invest in a company and need to make a decision fast. You can pull up the company history, financial annual and quarterly reports, insider's activity, any news on the company's business deals or new projects and much more online. Just type in the company name or stock symbol and download endless PDF reports and find dozens of links all about this company. This is a distinguishing feature of the internet age that you should harness to the fullest. This same research used to take weeks or even months before information started to be syndicated online. Do your due diligence to the fullest degree possible before you click your mouse to buy a stock! As can be seen, stock trading online has a lot of advantages. A lot of tools and gadgets are available to empower you to become a better investor. My advice is first to set up a fictitious portfolio at the beginning and practice buying and selling like you are doing it in real time. Once you think you are becoming better doing it and made at least 3 profitable transactions, then start investing real money. I think it is an opportunity that everybody should explore regardless of the dwindling economy because there are many sectors in the economy that are still doing well like energy, alternative energy and precious metals and resources. Just practice enough and then go for it. Check out Yousef's website Yousef is an expert writer in business and money making topics and issues. His insights combined with his clear and informative style of writing has attracted a lot of attention lately. To subscribe to his free and valuable newsletter send a blank email to=> Article source:
Online trading has been around for years now. Before the power of internet emerged, stock trading was limited to the halls of stock exchanges or dealing with brokers who charge expensive commissions to make transactions and manage a portfolio. All of this has changed; millions of people nowadays buy and sell stocks online not only in the U.S. market, but they buy and sell stocks all over the world markets.
How to use online stock trading to maximize your profits.
10 Money Making Tips - Everything You Needed to Know to Make Money in Todays Market.
Author: Money Manager
Here are my weekly money savings tips:
1. Maintain a good credit score! It will save you thousands of dollars in the short and long term when you need to borrow money to buy a car or a home. Creditors will give you an interest rate and the loan amount based on your income and credit score.
2. Large sums of money should NEVER be left in a checking account or even a low-interest bank savings account. Rather, put the money into a high interest savings account (like an ING savings), money market fund, or other forms of short term high interest investments with a fixed return.
3. If you have an employer matching 401K plan, maximize your contributions, so that you double your money!
4. Set aside 10% of your paycheck towards some form of long term savings account, like a money market account, mutual fund, retirement plan, or 401K. As you pay amount increases, your contribution will also increase automatically. 10% will also ensure that you stay ahead of inflation.
5. One of the best investments you can make is to first pay off all your high credit card debts. Credit cards typically carry a high interest rate and by paying off these debts, you get one of the best returns available which also is tax-free.
6. If you are losing sleep over an investment, whether its a stock, mutual fund, or retirement plan, its not worth it! Your lack of sleep is probably a good indication that it may be too risky, too good to be true, or just not the right invesment for you.
7. If an investment is projecting returns that are just too good to be true, they probably are. Unless you are intimately involved in the investment or are an insider, an investment that sounds too good to be true is probably too ambitious, too risky or just a scam.
8. Before you invest in something, always do your own research. Consulting with others and getting a second opinion is good, but you need to investigate for yourself. The internet is typically the best source for lots of information but make sure you read enough or get relevant data.
9. Always negotiate for commissions or fees paid for financial or real estate advice. Don’t be misled by standard commissions and “non-negotiable fees”. It is your money and the experts work for you.
10. Can’t get out of debt? If you are having problems meeting your debt payments each month and feel like you are digging a deeper hole, go talk to your creditors and banks to find a solution to get out of the mess. Beware of debt consolidators as they could charge higher interests in the long term and get you even deeper into debt.
If you like any of these tips, have questions on some, or have some feedback, I would like to hear from you. Visit this article by clicking on and Post your comments. Look for more money saving tips each week!
Happy Springtime and be Money Smart!
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4 Things Rich People Do to Become Rich
By Walki Arisme
There are four ways that will certainly allow someone to reach their goal of becoming rich. First remember, whatever vehicle you choose to reach your goal there is always plenty for everyone. Second the old cliché is true, if your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it. Third you must have faith and that faith must be coupled with action. Last but not least, be ready for success. Speak as though you already have what you are seeking.
Rich people become rich by choosing a vehicle they can use. This vehicle is usually based on a certain talent that they posses, love to do and they can market. Two examples can be calligraphy or internet marketing. It is common to think...well, why should I start this endeavor, I'm sure there are many out there doing the same thing. The problem with this type of thinking is you may be the one person to take this talent into new heights. It is true that some ventures may have more competition that some others. However, no one can do it like you do.
Rich people make the old adage real "If the mind can conceive it can achieve. Any idea can be developed to the point where it produces some kind of income. The world is full of those examples such as: The Handy Man, and Web MD, The Eifel tower, the Empire State Building, and the pyramids of Egypt. If your idea of success is becoming rich, "firing your boss, or simply making some extra money, you must believe it can and will be done.
Riches come to those who have strong faith. The Good Book reads faith without works is dead. It is one thing to have conceived an idea. It is quite another to bring it to fruition. Each good idea that was carried to completion was done with faith. That faith was coupled with the work that had to be done and viola! One must also note, no work that requires faith was ever met without some type of resistance. Let's take Thomas Edison as an example. He had a vision, applied some faith added some work with the faith (ten thousand tries worth of faith) and he reached his goal did he not?
Nature seems to work in the sense that it doesn't allow success to reach us very easily. However, if we apply a dash of faith, a spoonful of tenacity and cup of work, success becomes something that we cannot avoid, whatever the endeavor.
Those who are successful have the common denominator of substituting the word if with when and they speak as though those goals have already been met. Instead of saying if I finish school or if I make a million dollars; they instead say when I finish school and when I make a million dollars. Words plant a powerful impression on your mind. The words you speak will determine whether or not you reach your goals. Choose your words wisely.
Rich people become rich because they have a plan. Know what you're going to do when the money starts to roll in. Write these goals down. Either you are going to pay this bill or that. Start that education fund for the kids, or pay off the house. Whatever it is, a goal is a dream if it is not written down.
Finally take action! If becoming your own boss or making supplemental income is your goal, click the following link and start working on your own home business now.
Apply the above advice and you will find success cannot be avoided. The Profit Lance system has taken the bugs out of starting a successful internet venture. All you have to do is follow instruction.
Walki Arisme is a Registered Nurse looking to answer the age old statement, there must be a better way. There must be a better way to bring in some income without jeopardizing family time.
Visit the following website for details.
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I Want to Be Rich - Show Me the Money.
By Banjo Smyth
How many times have a heard someone say "I want to be rich"? Unfortunately 99% of people who I hear talking about how they want to be rich will NEVER achieve their goal. Why?
When most people say 'I want to be rich' they don't actually believe that they can ever achieve this goal. Let's face it, if they don't believe in themselves then what hope do they have of ever achieving anything.
Another reason why 'I want to be rich' prayers are rarely answered is because most people don't actually know what being rich is? This may sound like a weird concept but have you ever taken the time to clearly define what being rich is? Well if you are serious about becoming rich then it is time that you sat down and figured out what being rich actually means to you.
What are your reasons for wanting to be rich?
- Don't have to work
- Get to spend your time exactly how you want to
- Travel the World
- Help others
- Spend more time with your family
- Not have to worry about money
- Never have to say "I can't afford that" again
All of these answers are very typical for someone who has just proclaimed "I want to be rich" but how come most people never get close to achieving any of these goals?
Most people overestimate how much money you need to retire from your job You don't actually need 10 million dollars to live your dreams, unless of course your dreams include a private Learjet. So next time you say 'I want to be rich' don't leave it at that - instead follow these steps below and who knows one day you might even become rich.
Step One: Think about why you want to be rich
Step Two: Think about how much money/equity you would need to live these dreams
Step Three: Decide what is the best way to achieve this equity - Business, Shares, Property?
Step Four: Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge - Research your chosen field
Step Five: Create a plan - Saying I want to be rich is NOT a plan
Step Six: Follow the plan
Like most things that you do, becoming rich is 90% in your mind. Rather than looking for miracles I recommend that you start by following the above steps and working on your mind. Next time you hear someone say "I want to be rich" why don't you ask them why? And what do they consider the definition of being rich? So before you start yelling 'show me the money' I recommend that you start thinking about exactly why you want to be rich.
If you want to be rich then the easiest way to achieve this goal is to become an investor. is giving away a Free Investment DVD to the first 1000 visitors. CLICK HERE for your copy
Learn an amazing Stock Market Investment Strategy that everyday people are using to quit their job.
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