By Sylvia Dickens
We’ve already established that the secret of the millionaire mind has it’s foundations in our belief systems. It goes a little deeper than that though.
The top secret of the millionaire mind is to have an attitude of “I Can”. Too many of us have an “I Can’t” mentality because we truly believe there are things in our personality or minds or lives that tell us we don’t have the ability or the opportunity or we don’t deserve certain things.
Forget about your ability to become a millionaire. Just decide it’s what you want. Look into your mind and dig out something you’ve desired, but made yourself believe you don’t really want. Are you happy with your current vehicle? What would be your ideal vehicle? Is your house really the one you want to live in? Or have you just settled for this one because it was what you could afford?
The secret is to not settle for second best. If you really want a new luxury Lincoln, don’t settle for your current 9-year-old Toyota / Ford / Chevrolet / Honda. Set your goals high and believe that they can be achieved, then set out a definite plan for their achievement.
The next secret of the millionaire mind is to stay determined and persistent in achieving your goals and desires. Along with this secret is the inner force, or energy, that gives us the drive to make them happen. This is the drive that comes from true desire mixed with a strong positive self image.
It’s one thing to have an “I Can” attitude, but it won’t help much if you don’t put it into practice or if you overshadow it with excuses.
Do you believe you have the secret of the millionaire mind? Do you believe you can achieve anything you want? Do you believe you can become a millionaire if you really want to? Do you believe that to become a millionaire, you simply have to apply yourself?
Do you hear a voice telling you that you could become a millionaire, but it just doesn’t interest you right now? Do you hear your other excuses? That’s what these are. Excuses not to go after your true desire to become rich. If you listen closely, you’ll hear all kinds of excuses.
One of my favorites is, “I could be a millionaire if I truly wanted to be one, but I’m really not interested in money all that much.” What a cop-out! I’ve done an excellent job over the years of convincing myself that I really don’t care about money as long as I have enough to get by.
The fact is, this is an outright lie. If someone handed me a million dollars, do you think I’m going to pass it up? Not on your life. But the strange thing is, when I think that I do want to become rich, there is a subtle fear rumbling underneath that needs to be identified, because that’s what’s been holding me back all these years.
What’s your excuse? Do any of these sound familiar?
“I can if I want, but it takes work and I don’t have that kind of time right now.”
“Becoming a millionaire is easy. I could become one if I had a plan, but I’m not really interested in getting into any more projects.”
“I’m already comfortable with what I’ve got, so I don’t really need a million dollars at the moment.”
“If only…” (fill in your own excuse – ‘had the education, know-how, money to work with’)
Having an “I Can” mentality means you don’t allow any excuses that ensure you stay exactly where you are. This is the secret of the millionaire mind. Learn how to remove those excuses and turn them into positives.
“I can and I will… make the time this week.”
“I can come up with some terrific plan that sparks my interest and I’ll start work on it right away.”
“I’m comfortable now, but I’ve always wanted a new (car, house, boat, workshop, garden). The sooner I become a millionaire the sooner I can add those to my pleasures.”
The secret of the millionaire mind is not to let anything get in the way of progress. Don’t let setbacks stop you. Make those plans and stick with them. Work at them a bit at a time until they are achieved. Enjoy the millions as they roll in, and then go out and make more millions.
How do you remove those excuses? For one thing, you can be sure they are really coming from your subconscious mind. You are afraid of something, as I am, that is related to that goal. You need to find out what that fear is so you can defeat it. You have to learn how to talk directly to your subconscious mind and change those early beliefs that you set in place many many years ago.
recently discovered a product that will help you to do that. I’m already studying it and applying the methods explained in the book, “The Midas Method”. I’m posting my findings on my blog at where I include an inside look at the product and my progress. You can follow along and see how I get on with this method because I can assure you, I might say I don’t care about money, but the truth is, I really do want to be a millionaire.
If you found this information helpful, here are some highly effective proven programs to assist you in becoming the person you want to be. . Sylvia Dickens is an award-winning journalist who has struggled and overcome depression, panic and anxiety. Formerly with the Canadian Mental Health Association, she's written, "A Guide to Teenage Depression & Suicide" and offers several books to cure panic quickly and without medication, along with other popular topics. You can learn more at Her travel magazine offers family vacation getaway ideas for fun and relaxation.
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The Secret of the Millionaire Mind – Part 2