By: Mario C Churchill
Any aspect of your life – most especially your work, business, or career – can benefit from critical thinking. You just need to practice it constantly.
What is Critical Thinking?
The mind thinks in different ways. It can be influenced by various factors as well, and in the matter of relationships, for instance, what the heart says usually overwhelms what the mind suggests.
In business, critical thinking often war with instinct. Critical thinking is a process that seeks to deal with facts derived by experience, rationalization, examination and other methods. Critical thinking, although difficult to master, is a simple process because it adheres to essential values like logic, relevance, and reliability. Instinct on the other hand is a basic feeling that at times has the power of indicating the rightness of a decision even if all other evidence is to the contrary.
If you compare the two, critical thinking is definitely the better process to rely on because it deals with verifiable facts alone.
5 Tips for Using Critical Thinking for Business Success
Know the Difference between Fact and Fiction – Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction – even in the business world – but there’s nothing else to do but believe it if it’s indeed the truth. It takes time and experience to distinguish truth from fiction or hearsay, but no matter how practiced you are, there will always be times that you’ll find it hard to choose, which brings us to the next tip…
Always Verify the Source – Facts and fiction both have sources. The main difference, however, between both sources is that one is verifiable and reliable while the other can be neither verified nor relied on. Even if it’s hard to locate the exact and original source of the information you’re concerned with, don’t give up. If you do, people who seek to deceive or cheat you out of your money will only use your quitting attitude as encouragement to place more hurdles in your path.
Also, no matter how trustworthy or close to you the source is, don’t allow your relationship with the source to influence your judgment. Make it a point to withhold judgment until someone provides you with documentary evidence and hard proof for the information you’re concerned with.
Verification Isn’t Enough. Check for Accuracy as Well. – Just because the facts are verifiable doesn’t mean you can rely on them completely. Check its accuracy as well. Are all the facts reported in the correct order? Are the numerical figures reported accurate? Even the slightest inaccuracy can spell a lot of difference if you’re wheeling and dealing contracts that are worth thousands of dollars.
Don’t Stop Asking Questions – Let’s say you’ve decided upon an alternative or your team has finally provided a solution for your business. No matter how great the alternative or solution sounds, don’t take it at face value. Question everything. Ask all the questions you can think of. The more you ask, the more chances you’ll be able to verify whether there are hidden loopholes in the argument presented. Don’t be intimidated even if the person across you has supposedly greater intelligence. There’s nothing wrong in asking, after all. Asking just shows that you’re inquisitive and not lacking in intelligence.
Pride Cometh Before a Fall – Lastly, don’t allow pride or ego to influence your position. Don’t stubbornly cling to your point of view if all evidence provided supports the contrary. If you want to be an excellent critical thinker, you must remember that gaining the right facts – and not having the winning argument - is your goal.
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5 Tips For Using Critical Thinking For Business Success