By: Sacha Tarkovsky
We all want to build wealth so here we are going to look at a simple way to do it, anyone can do.
By investing a small amount of money, you can build wealth quickly and more importantly, with low risk.
Anyone with a small amount of seed capital can build wealth, so lets look at how to do it.
1. High return
If you have a small amount of capital you want a high growth rate and when we say high, we mean 30 – 100%.
There are plenty of ways to do this, but what we want to build wealth is high returns and low risk.
So can you get high returns like the above with low risk?
2. Low Risk
The answer is yes.
Were going to look at one of the safest highest return investments you can do in a bit later, but lets look at the real secret of building wealth and its:
3. The power of compound growth
To gee wealthy you need to understand compound growth. Compound growth is simply making your money work for you and getting exponential growth.
Consider this if you make 100% on 5,000 you have $10,000 but do the same again and you have $20,000 and this exponential growth can build huge money in time.
So what investment offers this that is easy to understand, easy to do and offers low risk and high returns?
The answer is land.
Buying land in areas where it can be sold to developers quickly can make huge gains – but you need the right location.
A good location is Costa Rica. Just a three hour direct flight from the US American and other foreign nationals are going to this paradise country, to get beach front property at up to 70% less than in the US.
Buying land here has been making huge gains for savvy investors and best of all prices show very low volatility.
It’s easy to do
Costa Rica encourages foreign investment and here you get the same rights as residents, tax advantages, the buying process is simple and planning permission straightforward.
Also, by buying land in a dynamic developing economy parcels of land are far cheaper than in developed countries making it something all investors can do.
Land is one of the best ways to build wealth.
You have high returns and low risk and compound growth soon kicks in, to make money fast.
If you have never considered investing in land you should, its one of the best ways to build long term wealth and make money fast.
About the Author:
On all aspects of building wealth and making money in Costa Rica land visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at
Source: Free Articles from
Wealth Building - a Simple Way to Make Money Fast.