By: Continuum Strategies
Let's talk about your personal online money-making empire. What would that look like for you? Would it mean the freedom to work when you wanted to, how you wanted to? Would it give you more time at home with your kids? Would it give you the time to pursue your hobby?
So how would that money-making empire look? Would it sell products, services, information? Would it direct traffic to someone else's product, service, or information? Would it be automated? Would it work even when you aren't working?
Let's cut to the chase:
1) You must have a highly targeted focus. You will only build your empire by focusing like a laser. You will only become financially free by becoming an expert at something, and doing that one thing well and with passion. You can only become an expert at one thing at a time. Think about the past. You've tried this, or tried that. Even now you have 4 different projects going. None of them highly successful. What would happen if you dropped all but one of them and focused on being the very best in the whole world at that one project. Where would that project be in 90 days, 6 months?
2) Once you have chosen what to excel at, develop a game plan for mastering it. Invest in your education. Learn more about your new specialization than everybody else. Become an expert. Become the expert others come to for advice.
3) Take action! There is a time for learning. You must learn to become great. But many people online spend their time learning, always looking for the easiest way to make a buck--but they never get anywhere, because they are always learning about the newest, greatest, fastest, rather than applying the newest, greatest, fastest. You will only succeed at the rate at which you are applying your new information. What does that mean today? Rather than just thinking about how to do something, just do it. Do everything you know. When you get to a roadblock, stop and learn more. But right now, today, do what you know.
4) Be willing to innovate. You do not have to do it the same way everyone else does. I get tons of emails every day. Nearly all of them look the same, feel the same, evoke the same feelings within me. But a few stand out. They get read. They get clicked. They are different. I am tired of the same old thing. Innovate.
5) Be better than anyone else. Don't limit yourself by thinking, if he is making money with that, I'll just do that and it will work for me. He has a jump start on you. Don't do it his way, do it better. Do it better and the business will flow your way.
6) Think big--bigger than you are. We generally get what we visualize. You think you cannot make money online--you are right. You think you can make $500 a week. You are right. You think the sky is the limit? You are right.
7) Be willing to give it everything. When you were in school and you just wanted that degree, what did you do? You gave it everything you needed to graduate. You stayed up late at night studying. You did whatever it took. What about your last job hunt? You had been out of work for awhile. You needed that job. So what did you do? Everything you had to to get it. Do the same thing online. Do whatever it takes to become successful.
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