Money. ~ Make money,We learn to make money.


By Lars Fagerliroen

What about that money? Ever gotten that view from others that you only think about money? Do not worry. Money is not the root of all evil, it is actually a good thing.

Some say that money lead to all sorts of evil actions and is the reason for many friendships going wrong. Well, I agree that it is the things that you can do with money that you should focus upon, but money in it self is no evil.

Ever witnessed a wealthy person mugging a person on the street? No, bet you have not. But those that do not have any money can rob another person to get more money, that is different, cause it is the lack of money that makes a person do such a thing.

Often we get a bad conscious thinking of money and we should not have these bad feelings since money is a natural and good thing.

Just think about all the stuff you can do with money. You can buy yourself a great home, a nice car. You can put your kids through school and give to charity. With enough money you can go on fantastic holidays abroad and visit Disneyland with your family.

What about doing good in your local neighborhood? Or give money to your local soccer team or your kids team?

There so many good things that can be done with money so money in it self is NOT a bad thing and if you ever thought that, think again.

It is the lack of money that is a bad thing and remember that you still have a life to live when you are pursuing all that cash.

Do not ever forget to live your life in your quest for more money. If you do not, you will be sitting there old and rich wondering where your life went and realizing that it is to late for you to spend all that hard earned money.


Presented by:
Lars K Fagerliroen

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