by ERROL SPENCE There is a lot of trading software, trading courses and trading sytems, all claiming to be the best. On our website, we have independent reports of the better ones. See if we can help you over at Stock Market Software.
There are many of us who would like to know how to become a day trader. Nowadays, becoming a day trader is not as difficult as it once was. As long as you have access to a computer with internet, you are pretty much set.
You’ll also need a brokerage account and need to pick up some of the terms which are used in the industry.
It may help to get a day trader training program or trading software package which is easy for newbies and more seasoned traders to use.
So here are 10 top tips on how to become a day trader:
Tip 1 - Learn the skills. There are numerous companies both online and offline which provide training sessions which sould help you to master the skills.
Tip 2 – Get a training program which suits you. When selecting any day trading training program, try and select one that will grow with you as you transform from a learner to an active trader.
Tip 3 – Learn from the best. If you are lucky enough to know of someone who is a successful day trader, see if that person will let you watch them for a day as they trade.
Tip 4 – Don’t use the rent money. Only trade with money you can afford to lose. I know this does not sound positive but lets be real for a second. As with aspects of life, some days are great and some days are not. If the worst happens and you lose all your money, it’s just a lesson learnt.
Tip 5 – Start with no money. You should always start your trading career by ‘paper trading’. This is a way practice trading following the market using your skills but not using any money. This will let you build confidence and learn before commiting cash to the pot.
Tip 6 – Record your actions. Keep a record of what works and what failed. From this, you can design your own game plan.
Tip 7 – Look for a discount broker. Some brokers will offer incentives for you to trade with them. This could be in the form of a reduction of their fees and sometimes a credit into your brokerage account.
Tip 8 – Hold your stock longer. At the start of your career, it may be beneficial to hold onto your stock for up to a week or so before selling. This will give you a chance to watch your stock without the pressure of the fast sale as there is in normal day trading.
Tip 9 – Understand the reasons. Don’t just follow all the other traders and buy just because they are buying, take the time to understand why it is the right moment to buy and sell. There will be a time when you will have no one to follow so you will need to understand the reasons behind your trades.
Tip 10 – Stay strong. Some days, you will feel like it has all been a waste of time and nothing has gone right. Don’t worry. Tomorrow is another day to start a fresh.
If you are starting out and looking to purchase a training program, system or software, the choice can be overwhelming. So what do you buy?
On our website, we report on different trading software, trading systems and programs so you can compare them . When you get the chance, come over and have a look.
And thanks for reading 10 tips on how to become a day trader.
10 Tips on How to Become a Day Trader.
How to use online stock trading to maximize your profits.
by YOUSEF JULAIDAN As convenient as online stock trading is, not many people utilize it correctly to make money from stocks. On the contrary, it was believed for some while that the ease and convenience of online stock trading made people even lose more money than before. This doesn't always have to be case because successful stock traders use online trading to easily make their transactions, manage their investments and take advantage of every profit opportunity they might find. Here are a couple of tips that will help you use online stock trading to your advantage. 1- Learn how to control your transactions: - This is the most important step that you have to take before you do anything else. All of the top trading accounts like E-trade or Ameritrade provide valuable and useful tools to help the online investor control their transaction. You can actually place buy and sell orders at defined price points and leave the whole thing to be automated! Not just that, you can place buy and sell orders to be executed on certain conditions or if the stock behaves in a certain way. For example, you bought a stock at $10 and you know that if it goes below $8 it will never stop falling. You can place an order to sell if the stock price reaches or drops below $8. Or you can place an order to sell the stock once it price reaches or rises above $13. 2- Learn the tools of the trade: - it isn't enough to open an online trading account, which is as easy as opening a PayPal account! All of the top trading accounts like E-trade or Ameritrade provide valuable and useful tools to help the online investor achieve maximum results. The tools you can find are like analysis tools where you can plug in some financial numbers concerning a certain stock like the price of stock, earnings per share, debt, equity, assets etc. After plugging in the numbers the analysis tool will calculate for you a number of ratios and financial indicators that will help you in making a decision like the debt to equity ratio, P/E ratio and book value of the stock. Another valuable tool that you can find is a real time tracking tool! Whenever you buy a stock, it goes into a table where real time data of the stock are displayed. Real time data like, stock price increases or decreases, selling or buying transactions and on what volumes and other indicators. This tool will actually instantly in real time calculate for you whether you are at loss or profit and the amount. 3- Use the speed of online trading to your advantage: - When you issue a buy or sell deal online, it will be executed in a matter of seconds. That's how fast it is nowadays. It could lead to a disastrous mistake for beginners who are new to the stock exchange. On the other hand, for the experienced traders, it is a blessing. You might have heard about day trading and actually the name help such in explaining it. Day trading is about stock traders who buy and sell stocks on the timeframe of one day. For example, a day trader can buy a stock on market opening at 9 a.m. and sell it anytime at the same day. This has only become possible because of the power of online trading. In order to use this method successfully, first determine your entry and exit points before hand and then place your orders. Very few stocks move big to give you big profits on the same day, but some do. In order to take advantage of these small ups and downs of the stock, you should invest larger amounts of money than usual. 4- Use the power of online research: - Nowadays, you can get any kind of information online. Suppose you want to invest in a company and need to make a decision fast. You can pull up the company history, financial annual and quarterly reports, insider's activity, any news on the company's business deals or new projects and much more online. Just type in the company name or stock symbol and download endless PDF reports and find dozens of links all about this company. This is a distinguishing feature of the internet age that you should harness to the fullest. This same research used to take weeks or even months before information started to be syndicated online. Do your due diligence to the fullest degree possible before you click your mouse to buy a stock! As can be seen, stock trading online has a lot of advantages. A lot of tools and gadgets are available to empower you to become a better investor. My advice is first to set up a fictitious portfolio at the beginning and practice buying and selling like you are doing it in real time. Once you think you are becoming better doing it and made at least 3 profitable transactions, then start investing real money. I think it is an opportunity that everybody should explore regardless of the dwindling economy because there are many sectors in the economy that are still doing well like energy, alternative energy and precious metals and resources. Just practice enough and then go for it. Check out Yousef's website Yousef is an expert writer in business and money making topics and issues. His insights combined with his clear and informative style of writing has attracted a lot of attention lately. To subscribe to his free and valuable newsletter send a blank email to=> Article source:
Online trading has been around for years now. Before the power of internet emerged, stock trading was limited to the halls of stock exchanges or dealing with brokers who charge expensive commissions to make transactions and manage a portfolio. All of this has changed; millions of people nowadays buy and sell stocks online not only in the U.S. market, but they buy and sell stocks all over the world markets.
10 Money Making Tips - Everything You Needed to Know to Make Money in Todays Market.
Author: Money Manager
Here are my weekly money savings tips:
1. Maintain a good credit score! It will save you thousands of dollars in the short and long term when you need to borrow money to buy a car or a home. Creditors will give you an interest rate and the loan amount based on your income and credit score.
2. Large sums of money should NEVER be left in a checking account or even a low-interest bank savings account. Rather, put the money into a high interest savings account (like an ING savings), money market fund, or other forms of short term high interest investments with a fixed return.
3. If you have an employer matching 401K plan, maximize your contributions, so that you double your money!
4. Set aside 10% of your paycheck towards some form of long term savings account, like a money market account, mutual fund, retirement plan, or 401K. As you pay amount increases, your contribution will also increase automatically. 10% will also ensure that you stay ahead of inflation.
5. One of the best investments you can make is to first pay off all your high credit card debts. Credit cards typically carry a high interest rate and by paying off these debts, you get one of the best returns available which also is tax-free.
6. If you are losing sleep over an investment, whether its a stock, mutual fund, or retirement plan, its not worth it! Your lack of sleep is probably a good indication that it may be too risky, too good to be true, or just not the right invesment for you.
7. If an investment is projecting returns that are just too good to be true, they probably are. Unless you are intimately involved in the investment or are an insider, an investment that sounds too good to be true is probably too ambitious, too risky or just a scam.
8. Before you invest in something, always do your own research. Consulting with others and getting a second opinion is good, but you need to investigate for yourself. The internet is typically the best source for lots of information but make sure you read enough or get relevant data.
9. Always negotiate for commissions or fees paid for financial or real estate advice. Don’t be misled by standard commissions and “non-negotiable fees”. It is your money and the experts work for you.
10. Can’t get out of debt? If you are having problems meeting your debt payments each month and feel like you are digging a deeper hole, go talk to your creditors and banks to find a solution to get out of the mess. Beware of debt consolidators as they could charge higher interests in the long term and get you even deeper into debt.
If you like any of these tips, have questions on some, or have some feedback, I would like to hear from you. Visit this article by clicking on and Post your comments. Look for more money saving tips each week!
Happy Springtime and be Money Smart!
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4 Things Rich People Do to Become Rich
By Walki Arisme
There are four ways that will certainly allow someone to reach their goal of becoming rich. First remember, whatever vehicle you choose to reach your goal there is always plenty for everyone. Second the old cliché is true, if your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it. Third you must have faith and that faith must be coupled with action. Last but not least, be ready for success. Speak as though you already have what you are seeking.
Rich people become rich by choosing a vehicle they can use. This vehicle is usually based on a certain talent that they posses, love to do and they can market. Two examples can be calligraphy or internet marketing. It is common to think...well, why should I start this endeavor, I'm sure there are many out there doing the same thing. The problem with this type of thinking is you may be the one person to take this talent into new heights. It is true that some ventures may have more competition that some others. However, no one can do it like you do.
Rich people make the old adage real "If the mind can conceive it can achieve. Any idea can be developed to the point where it produces some kind of income. The world is full of those examples such as: The Handy Man, and Web MD, The Eifel tower, the Empire State Building, and the pyramids of Egypt. If your idea of success is becoming rich, "firing your boss, or simply making some extra money, you must believe it can and will be done.
Riches come to those who have strong faith. The Good Book reads faith without works is dead. It is one thing to have conceived an idea. It is quite another to bring it to fruition. Each good idea that was carried to completion was done with faith. That faith was coupled with the work that had to be done and viola! One must also note, no work that requires faith was ever met without some type of resistance. Let's take Thomas Edison as an example. He had a vision, applied some faith added some work with the faith (ten thousand tries worth of faith) and he reached his goal did he not?
Nature seems to work in the sense that it doesn't allow success to reach us very easily. However, if we apply a dash of faith, a spoonful of tenacity and cup of work, success becomes something that we cannot avoid, whatever the endeavor.
Those who are successful have the common denominator of substituting the word if with when and they speak as though those goals have already been met. Instead of saying if I finish school or if I make a million dollars; they instead say when I finish school and when I make a million dollars. Words plant a powerful impression on your mind. The words you speak will determine whether or not you reach your goals. Choose your words wisely.
Rich people become rich because they have a plan. Know what you're going to do when the money starts to roll in. Write these goals down. Either you are going to pay this bill or that. Start that education fund for the kids, or pay off the house. Whatever it is, a goal is a dream if it is not written down.
Finally take action! If becoming your own boss or making supplemental income is your goal, click the following link and start working on your own home business now.
Apply the above advice and you will find success cannot be avoided. The Profit Lance system has taken the bugs out of starting a successful internet venture. All you have to do is follow instruction.
Walki Arisme is a Registered Nurse looking to answer the age old statement, there must be a better way. There must be a better way to bring in some income without jeopardizing family time.
Visit the following website for details.
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I Want to Be Rich - Show Me the Money.
By Banjo Smyth
How many times have a heard someone say "I want to be rich"? Unfortunately 99% of people who I hear talking about how they want to be rich will NEVER achieve their goal. Why?
When most people say 'I want to be rich' they don't actually believe that they can ever achieve this goal. Let's face it, if they don't believe in themselves then what hope do they have of ever achieving anything.
Another reason why 'I want to be rich' prayers are rarely answered is because most people don't actually know what being rich is? This may sound like a weird concept but have you ever taken the time to clearly define what being rich is? Well if you are serious about becoming rich then it is time that you sat down and figured out what being rich actually means to you.
What are your reasons for wanting to be rich?
- Don't have to work
- Get to spend your time exactly how you want to
- Travel the World
- Help others
- Spend more time with your family
- Not have to worry about money
- Never have to say "I can't afford that" again
All of these answers are very typical for someone who has just proclaimed "I want to be rich" but how come most people never get close to achieving any of these goals?
Most people overestimate how much money you need to retire from your job You don't actually need 10 million dollars to live your dreams, unless of course your dreams include a private Learjet. So next time you say 'I want to be rich' don't leave it at that - instead follow these steps below and who knows one day you might even become rich.
Step One: Think about why you want to be rich
Step Two: Think about how much money/equity you would need to live these dreams
Step Three: Decide what is the best way to achieve this equity - Business, Shares, Property?
Step Four: Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge - Research your chosen field
Step Five: Create a plan - Saying I want to be rich is NOT a plan
Step Six: Follow the plan
Like most things that you do, becoming rich is 90% in your mind. Rather than looking for miracles I recommend that you start by following the above steps and working on your mind. Next time you hear someone say "I want to be rich" why don't you ask them why? And what do they consider the definition of being rich? So before you start yelling 'show me the money' I recommend that you start thinking about exactly why you want to be rich.
If you want to be rich then the easiest way to achieve this goal is to become an investor. is giving away a Free Investment DVD to the first 1000 visitors. CLICK HERE for your copy
Learn an amazing Stock Market Investment Strategy that everyday people are using to quit their job.
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Want to Know the Principles of Building Wealth?
Do you feel like it is too difficult, even impossible, to make the amount of money you would like to make? Are you frustrated thinking that there are no opportunities because the current economy is too volatile and has too much risk? Perhaps you just never get any ‘breaks’ in life, and that good things always happen to ‘other’ people. Have you ever wished you knew someone who understood the principals of wealth building, and financial independence, who would assist and coach you to achieve the success for which you are inherently capable?
The purpose of this article is to assist you in understanding some of the fundamental principals of building wealth – the same principals used by those individuals and families who have already achieved great success and wealth.
The first, and most important, thing for you to understand is that you already have within you the capabilities to achieve whatever you desire. This knowledge, together with the principals we will discuss will serve as a blueprint, and starting point for you to design the life you want and to really obtain financial independence.
Take time to study and understand each of the principles discussed below. Also understand that for you to master any sustained level of financial success you must master each of the principles. Mastering these principles in an ongoing journey which will take time, initiative, resources, and action on your part. In fact, the better you become at each of the principles, and the more success you achieve, the more you will realize that there are still higher levels to achieve. The process of success truly is a lifelong journey of joy and achievement.
You need to know that your life really can change overnight! It certainly is possible for you to have sudden financial breakthrough. There are a million ways to make a million dollars. You only need to have one of them to change your life forever. Your job is to find that opportunity and be ready to take action when you do find it.
There are many wealth building, life changing opportunities, out there. Find one that is good for you, have trust and belief in yourself, and take action.
The first principle of success is the mindset for success. This is the most critical principle. Development of the millionaire mindset allows you to manifest all of your desires with ease and efficiency. This is the principle which allows you to properly manage, and grow, your wealth once you have obtained it. If you want to be wealthy, you must think the same way as the wealthy.
Take time to study those who have created fortunes for themselves. Andrew Carnegie, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett are just a few but they are great examples of those who developed a mindset of success. How do they think differently than you and I? First of all they have a complete faith in themselves and a knowing that they will attract success, and wealth, effortlessly. Success is their only option!
The second principle of success is your external environment. This includes the physical environment you create for yourself. This also includes the people you surround yourself with. Your income will become the average of the ten people you associate most closely with. Do you surround yourself with wealth building materials, books, and ideas? Do you study and surround yourself with information from and about those individuals who have achieved what you want?
The third principle of success is wisdom. Take advantage of, and use wisely, all of the opportunities which you have. Manage wisely the assets you already have so that as you obtain more, you will be able to grow that asset into even more wealth. Wealthy people spend and invest wisely. Just because they can afford something doesn’t mean that they buy it. They always spend much less than they earn. They invest in sound investments which provide an acceptable return based on their investment goals, and they are usually contrarian investors. What that means is that they do not follow the masses. If the masses are buying they are usually selling and vise versa. The wealthy are not afraid of taking risk. They use wisdom by analyzing the risk and then make good decisions based on that analysis, but they take risk.
Using the above principles it is possible for you change your life and create the life of your design.
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Make Money Fast - A Method You can Use Right Now to Build Wealth.
Want to make money fast but don't have much initial capital? Well here is a method you can use - in fact anyone can and it is a proven way to make money fast. Let's take a look at it.
Here are some simple steps to making money fast and the method can be learned by anyone.
Money makes money we all know that but unless you win the lottery are rich already or maybe marry into wealth, you don't have this advantage - so you need to leverage your money.
Leverage is simply trading more money than you have.
For example, if a broker lets you leverage 200:1 and you have $500 then you can trade $100,000.
One of the best ways to get leverage is to open a forex trading account. Hang on you may say - I can't trade currencies it's to hard!
Well consider this story and you will change your mind...
In 1983 legendary trader Richard Dennis taught a group of people of all ages, both sexes and varying educational levels to trade in just 14 days.
The result?
They went on to make $100 million dollars for Dennis and become some of the most famous traders of all time.
Forex trading is all about having the right knowledge but Dennis taught them something more he taught them how to apply it with discipline. With leverage this is essential - you must cut losses quickly, when trading with leverage as your losses and profits are magnified.
If you do this, you can leverage and hold your winning trades and make money fast over time.
So how do you get started?
The best way to trade forex markets is to use charts and simply follow market trends.
You can learn all the basics on the net. It's also a good idea to go to your local Amazon bookstore and pick up some classics from the real pros that have "walked the walk" - for under $100 you can pick up a great selection.
Is Currency trading really that easy?
The answer is yes and no.
Learning currency trading is easy and anyone can learn to trade but most traders don't win.
Why is this?
They simply can't trade their method with discipline and if of course you have n discipline, you have no method in the first place.
Trading success is as much to do with getting the right mindset as having the right method.
If however you have the desire to succeed and a willingness to learn, currency trading can offer you a life changing income.
The question is - do you like a challenge and do you really want to make money fast?
If so - welcome to the world of global currency trading.
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What Is “The Secret” To Finding Real Wealth?
Did you know that less than one percent of the people currently living on this planet account for almost twenty-five percent of ALL the wealth? These powerful people certainly don’t want you to know this...they want you to stay as mindless drones whose sole objective is to keep THEM wealthy. What is the secret this small fraction of the population knows that the rest do not?
If you haven't seen the movie "The Secret", I implore you to watch it! The Secret is the most powerful law in the universe! If you have already seen it, watch it again. To watch "The Secret" online, copy and paste this url into your browser;
Or you can watch "The Secret" On Demand via cable and satellite for audiences in the United States and Canada.
This small minority of people who are currently pulling the strings on world politics and world economics have mastered The Secret. These are the same people who want The Secret banned like it was once banned hundreds of years ago. Now The Secret has been un-earthed for all to discover its tremendous power once again!
There also have been great leaders who have mastered The Secret and made positive contributions to all of humanity. Leaders like Albert Einstein, Abe Lincoln, and Mother Teresa to name a few.
We are now living in an exciting new age of technology where humanity can do incredible things. The brick and mortar corporations who once ruled our economy unequivocally over the little guy are slowly losing their death grip due to the astonishing power of the internet!
So what is this secret you ask? In a sentence; "The Secret Is The Law Of Attraction". Simply stated, you get what you wish for...or your thoughts dictate what you get in life. Your health is dictated by your thoughts as well as your wealth.
Think of your thoughts as little tiny magnets...the intensity of these tiny magnets or thoughts are in direct proportion to the emotions you attach to it. The stronger the magnet, the stronger the attraction. This explains why a lot of people don't get what they wish for. They have not attached a strong enough emotion to their dream. Or they feel they don’t deserve their dream so they don’t bother pursuing it.
Let me give you an example of how the law of attraction works in a negative way. Think of the days when you got started off the wrong foot, then said to yourself "this is gonna be a long and terrible day". What happened? A long and terrible got what you wished for! The degree of how terrible your day turned out was proportional to the intensity of the negative emotion you attached to the thought, right?
So how do these little "magnets" or thoughts attract what we want or don't want in our lives you ask? Well, and this is based on quantum physics that scientists have just learned in the last 10 or 15 years. There is an invisible universal mind if you will that contains all the dreams and thoughts of everyone who has ever lived or will live...past...present...future. This is quite the paradox you may think, how can this be?
The "time" element in this universal mind has been negated or altered. Quantum physics has recently shown us that a single electron can occupy two different spaces in an electro-magnetic field at the same exact point in time, once thought impossible. This goes against the laws of physics unless time has been negated or altered some how, the only possible explanation. So you may be able to connect with the dreams of someone who hasn't been born yet. Are you getting excited yet?
The Universal Mind is a sort of collective consciousness. The place where dreams are born. These dreams are invisible and waiting to take physical form.
How do you convert your dreams from the universal mind to the physical realm? By constantly thinking about your dreams with strong emotions and just as importantly - taking action! I am NOT talking about wishful thinking must take action on your dreams!
It helps to have pictures of your dreams and look at them every day. Write your dreams down. Formulate a plan that is specific and with deadlines that will bring your dreams to fruition...and stay the course! “Don’t die with your dreams still inside you” as Dr. Wayne Dyer likes to say.
That is why I firmly believe you should pursue ventures you have a passion for...then you will find it easier to attach strong positive emotions to your thoughts and dreams.
This is the most powerful law in the universe, use it wisely my liege...
Good Luck and Stay the Course!
John Lynch
John Lynch is owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic John recommends you visit:
How Good is The Perfect Wealth Formula?
What exactly is this system about? I was introduced to the Perfect Wealth System by a Top Internet Marketer. The claim to fame in his marketing was "0 to $108,000 in 8 Weeks!" I was highly skeptical yet curious. I said to myself that's a lot of money in 2 months, how did he do it with the Perfect Wealth System.
I was intrigued but I had made more money myself in one month's time. A little information on my background. I have spent the last 20 years studying Marketing. I make my living as a Registered Financial Consultant. I spend my days meeting my 400 clients and reviewing their investment portfolios and reviewing their tax returns. The most important thing I have seen in doing this weekly for the last 20 years is simple, People that own their own business have the most income and assets. It's a fact, owning your own business is the best financial decision you can make for yourself and your family. Every week I have people who come in my office that have Net Worth's of $1Millon to 15 Million and they have one thing in common, they own their own business.
I was totally interested in the Perfect Wealth Formula because this business met the criteria of the perfect business. You control your own time, your control your own business and you work from home on your own schedule. I investigated further to see how the Perfect Wealth Formula Works. Here is what I have found.
What Exactly is the Perfect Wealth Formula?
At first I was highly skeptical and wanted to take a look at what they had to offer. I signed up and went directly into the back office. The products were Videos of the Perfect Wealth Formula in action. The one thing I heard from my wealthy clients over and over was 'Knowledge is Power". I knew the Perfect Wealth Formula Videos had the knowledge and power to teach you how to get targeted visitors to your website so that you can make your business grow. Here is the knowledge I saw:
You get to learn From the Tutorial Videos
-How to place Online Classified Ads to Generate Targeted prospects ready to buy.
-How to get Pay Per Click Marketing work for you with targeted Keywords that work
-How to get indexed on the Top Search Engines for Free
-How to Write Blogs, Press Releases and articles to get instant free traffic
-How to market to other people lists that they spent 100's of hours building for free
-Step by Step Video instruction on how to get your business set up to make you a profit
There is much more! You will be able to take the knowledge from the Perfect Wealth Formula and apply it to other businesses as well. You will be able to make a significant income just by sharing this important information of teaching how to market yourself and build credibility on the web for any business you own. My overall experience as a 20 year seasoned marketer is the Perfect Wealth Formula is the foundation for any new or highly trained internet marketer to build a large home based business.
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Make Money Fast - You Can Do It With This Simple Method!.
This way of making money fast can be learned in about two weeks, requires a few hundred dollars to get started, is simple and easy to learn - in fact so simple anyone can do it and best of all can make huge profits.
Before we start - let me stress anyone has the potential to make money using this method - your age, location or education are NOT barriers - providing you have a will to succeed and a desire to make money you can achieve success.
So what is this way of making money fast?
Its trading currencies from home and before you say - I couldn't do that! Read the story below and it will inspire you.
In 1983 legendary trader Richard Dennis set out to prove anyone could learn trading - if they had the desire to learn and the right education. He got a group of people together - men, women, young, old, with varying levels of educational achievement and in 14 days taught them to trade.
The result?
They made $100 million dollars in just 4 years and many are still trading today.
So the above example graphically proves, anyone can lean to trade and unlike in 1983 you don't need much money to start.
You can open an account with just a few hundred dollars.
Other advantages of being a currency trader from home include:
- Small start up capital of just a few hundred dollars.
- You can learn it easily in around a month or less.
- You only need an internet connection and computer so you have no overhead.
- You can trade in around 30 minutes a day.
- There are profit opportunities everyday.
- As one currency rises another must fall and vice versa - You can leverage your money several hundred times!
So is that easy to learn?
The answer is yes and no.
If there is big money to be made you wouldn't expect it to be but anyone can do it with the right education and attitude.
The real key to your success will be how you deal with:
This is the ability to trade more than you have in your account.
For example deposit $500 with a broker and they will allow you to trade up to 200 times this amount or $100,000!
Profits and losses are of course magnified.
Risk control is therefore the key to using leverage to make money fast.
You need to cut losers quickly and run the big profitable trends which you see on forex charts.
These forex trends can be spotted easily with a bit of practice - as they repeat, because human nature is constant.
All you need to do is spot the right formations and act on them when the odds are in your favour
It's down to the discipline to hold winners and cut losers quickly and this involves you controlling your emotions and having mental discipline.
Discipline is needed - but that's a learned skill to and you can do it if you want to.
The only obstacle to success in this business is:
You can learn it, you don't need much money and it's a method you can use to make money fast - right now.
The major barrier to success for most people is they cannot accept responsibility for their success and think someone else will make them rich. They live in hope and dream about making money and building wealth and never achieve their goals.
If you're a dreamer then this method is not for you - but if you like a challenge, have a desire to make money fast and are prepared to do your homework - welcome to the exciting world of global currency trading and a method of making money fast that you can use right now.
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Make Money Fast - A Method ANYONE Can Use.
If you want to make money fast then this method will interest you because - it only takes a few weeks to learn, you only need a few hundred dollars and you can do it in 30 minutes a day. Let's look at it.
It's becoming a forex trader from home.
You may say I couldn't do that! - Well read the following story and it will change your mind.
In 1983 trading legend Richard Dennis set out to prove trading could be learned by anyone so he took a group of people, of all ages, both sexes, young and old and of varying levels of intelligence - he then set out to teach them to trade in 14 days.
He then set them up with their own trading accounts - the result?
They went onto make $100 million dollars in 4 years and many went on to become trading legends.
Dennis proved his point that trading could be learned by anyone.
While the above is true 95% of traders lose money - so why is this?
Trading is easy to learn but you need to apply what you have learned - with the discipline to cut losers quickly and run winners and this is crucial.
Trading is as much mindset as it is method.
The system Dennis taught was simple - so simple in fact that anyone could learn it but he taught his students something else - Understanding of the systems logic, so they would have the confidence and discipline to follow it, through losing periods to long term success.
If you want to learn forex trading, you don't need to work hard you - need to work smart.
Let's look at the basics of a forex trading system to build wealth quickly.
- Simple systems Work Best
A simple trading system is more robust, with fewer elements to break than complicated ones.
Trying to be to clever when building your system is not good idea - as if it's to complicated it will break in the brutal world of trading.
- The big Trends Last for Months or Years
These are the ones to focus on. You don't get your reward for trading often, you get your reward for being right and that's it.
- Trade The Reality
You don't need to predict where forex prices might go you can trade the reality and simply follow trends on a forex chart.
Traders who use forex charts simply follow market action. They don't care how or why prices are moving, they simply want to make money when they do.
- Understanding = Confidence = Discipline
Just like the method Dennis taught you need to understand it and have confidence to apply it with discipline and this is the area most traders fail in.
They try and take a short cut to success by following someone else or trading from the hip - as soon as a few losses come, the trader loses discipline and throws in the towel.
Keep in mind if you don't have the discipline to follow a trading system, you have no system!
Could You Do it?
Yes you could - if you have the desire to succeed and a willingness to do some studying you could soon be earning huge profits in under an hour a day.
Dennis proved the point there is NOTHING to stop anyone becoming a successful trader, apart from themselves. Today, with forex brokers accepting deposits of just a few hundred dollars, starting capital is not a problem either.
The real question you need to ask yourself is:
Do you want to change your financial future and do you have a desire to succeed?
If you do discover forex trading from home and you can change your financial future forever.
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Make Money Fast - Turn Desire into Action and Build Wealth Now.
If you are reading this article you have the desire to make money fast but desire can all too often go no where because there is no vehicle you can use to realise your dreams. If you have desire we are going to give you a specific way to make Money fast - you don't need to be rich and you don't need a college education here it is.
If you want to make money fast you need to be able to turn small amounts of money into meaningful amounts.
Leverage the Key To Making Money Fast
Lets assume you have $500.00 and I told you that you could invest $100,000 by putting this deposit down, you will then have leveraged your money making potential 200 fold!
Anyone can do this - all you need to do is to open an account at an online forex broker and they will allow you to leverage your deposit by 200:1
Wait a minute you may say - I couldn't trade currencies and make money!
You may not have considered this method but you can as - everything about forex trading can be learned.
Let me tell you a rather inspiring story.
A Story to Inspire You
Back in 1983 legendary trader Richard Dennis set out to prove that trading was a learned skill so he set up an experiment.
The experiment consisted of taking a group of people who had never traded before, from all walks of lives, both sexes and all ages and teaching them to trade in 14 days.
He taught the group a method in just two weeks and the result was:
These traders went on to make $100 million in just four years and become some of the most successful traders of all time.
Dennis proved that trading was a skill anyone could learn with the right education and it's true, traders are made - not born.
Is it really that easy?
Now let's look at a paradox.
Anyone can learn to trade and trading is a learned skill but 95% of currency traders lose, so why is this?
Dennis when he conducted his experiment knew that learning a method is easy, it's applying the method with discipline that most traders have a problem with.
The Key To Trading Success
Trading discipline can be learned as well but you have to be aware of its importance and how to acquire it.
You need to have an understanding not just of your method but also yourself and your emotions and keep them in check.
You need to have the confidence to apply your method even when you hit a losing period and follow it to long term success without letting your emotions get involved.
The way to do this is to understand how and why your method works so you can stick with it - most traders don't do this. They try and follow news stories, experts and don't understand fully what they are doing a few losses come and they throw in the towel.
Work Smart For Success
So there you have it - trading is a learned skill which looks easy but is of course not as easy as it appears but if you know why the bulk of traders lose you don't have to make the same mistakes.
If you have the desire to win your almost there. You just need to turn that desire into action with a specific plan that consists of a simple method you understand and can have confidence in, to apply with discipline.
The Best Way To Learn
If you can read a graph your well on your way to becoming a successful forex trader, by using forex charts. All you need to do is to be able to spot and learn formations that repeat, trade them and have confidence in what you are doing.
If you are not prepared to spend a bit of time doing the above, then forex trading is not for you - but if you are, you have the desire to succeed and ability to work hard, then there is nothing to stop you becoming a successful trader.
Forex trading is a challenge and you would expect it to be with the rewards on offer, so if you have desire and you really want to succeed and make money fast, then forex trading can give you a route to a life changing income.
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Want to Know the Principles of Building Wealth?
By: Carol Carroll
Do you feel like it is too difficult, even impossible, to make the amount of money you would like to make? Are you frustrated thinking that there are no opportunities because the current economy is too volatile and has too much risk? Perhaps you just never get any ‘breaks’ in life, and that good things always happen to ‘other’ people. Have you ever wished you knew someone who understood the principals of wealth building, and financial independence, who would assist and coach you to achieve the success for which you are inherently capable?
The purpose of this article is to assist you in understanding some of the fundamental principals of building wealth – the same principals used by those individuals and families who have already achieved great success and wealth.
The first, and most important, thing for you to understand is that you already have within you the capabilities to achieve whatever you desire. This knowledge, together with the principals we will discuss will serve as a blueprint, and starting point for you to design the life you want and to really obtain financial independence.
Take time to study and understand each of the principles discussed below. Also understand that for you to master any sustained level of financial success you must master each of the principles. Mastering these principles in an ongoing journey which will take time, initiative, resources, and action on your part. In fact, the better you become at each of the principles, and the more success you achieve, the more you will realize that there are still higher levels to achieve. The process of success truly is a lifelong journey of joy and achievement.
You need to know that your life really can change overnight! It certainly is possible for you to have sudden financial breakthrough. There are a million ways to make a million dollars. You only need to have one of them to change your life forever. Your job is to find that opportunity and be ready to take action when you do find it.
There are many wealth building, life changing opportunities, out there. Find one that is good for you, have trust and belief in yourself, and take action.
The first principle of success is the mindset for success. This is the most critical principle. Development of the millionaire mindset allows you to manifest all of your desires with ease and efficiency. This is the principle which allows you to properly manage, and grow, your wealth once you have obtained it. If you want to be wealthy, you must think the same way as the wealthy.
Take time to study those who have created fortunes for themselves. Andrew Carnegie, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett are just a few but they are great examples of those who developed a mindset of success. How do they think differently than you and I? First of all they have a complete faith in themselves and a knowing that they will attract success, and wealth, effortlessly. Success is their only option!
The second principle of success is your external environment. This includes the physical environment you create for yourself. This also includes the people you surround yourself with. Your income will become the average of the ten people you associate most closely with. Do you surround yourself with wealth building materials, books, and ideas? Do you study and surround yourself with information from and about those individuals who have achieved what you want?
The third principle of success is wisdom. Take advantage of, and use wisely, all of the opportunities which you have. Manage wisely the assets you already have so that as you obtain more, you will be able to grow that asset into even more wealth. Wealthy people spend and invest wisely. Just because they can afford something doesn’t mean that they buy it. They always spend much less than they earn. They invest in sound investments which provide an acceptable return based on their investment goals, and they are usually contrarian investors. What that means is that they do not follow the masses. If the masses are buying they are usually selling and vise versa. The wealthy are not afraid of taking risk. They use wisdom by analyzing the risk and then make good decisions based on that analysis, but they take risk.
Using the above principles it is possible for you change your life and create the life of your design.
Carol Carroll Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Carol can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. For more information visit : Build Wealth
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Making Money Fast - A 4 Step Plan for Wealth Anyone Can Use.
By: Monica Hendrix
Everyone wants to make money fast but most people simply dream about it and don't turn it into action. Here we will outline a simple proven method that works which could make you money fast in about 30 minutes a day - Lets look at it.
The method is becoming a financial trader from home and before you say I Can't do that! Let me tell you a rather inspiring story...
In 1983 trading legend Richard Dennis decided to prove that traders were made not born and he got a diverse group of people together all who had never traded before and in 14 days taught them to trade.
The Result?
They made $100 million dollars and many went on to become trading legends.
Dennis proved his point in just 14 days he taught the group all they needed to know to succeed.
These people learnt trading so why can't you?
You don't need a university education and you don't need a lot of money, you can start small on the net with under $1,000 and ALL The information you need to learn is freely available.
Is it really that easy?
The answer is yes and no - anyone can learn the method but you need to learn to trade with discipline. One of the main advantages of trading financial markets and the forex is probably the best is the opportunity to leverage your money.
If you put down 500 you can trade on a leverage of 200:1 - that's 200 x 500 or $100,000!
Now if you can run your profits and cut your losses this leverage will help you make money fast and build wealth quickly - but you need to have the right mindset.
Today you can set up an account online and trade from your computer and you dont need big bucks a few hundred dollars will get you started.
The amount of money you can make in forex trading is life changing and when those amounts are on offer its not easy - but its possible, providing you have the desire to succeed and a willingness to learn - the road to success is open to you.
The question is:
You know it's possible and you know there is nothing to stop you trying but are you up for the challenge?
If you are then the exciting and lucrative world of forex trading can help you make money fast and achieve your dreams.
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