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Make Money Fast - Turn Desire into Action and Build Wealth Now.

By: Kelly Price
If you are reading this article you have the desire to make money fast but desire can all too often go no where because there is no vehicle you can use to realise your dreams. If you have desire we are going to give you a specific way to make Money fast - you don't need to be rich and you don't need a college education here it is.

If you want to make money fast you need to be able to turn small amounts of money into meaningful amounts.

Leverage the Key To Making Money Fast

Lets assume you have $500.00 and I told you that you could invest $100,000 by putting this deposit down, you will then have leveraged your money making potential 200 fold!

Anyone can do this - all you need to do is to open an account at an online forex broker and they will allow you to leverage your deposit by 200:1

Wait a minute you may say - I couldn't trade currencies and make money!

You may not have considered this method but you can as - everything about forex trading can be learned.

Let me tell you a rather inspiring story.

A Story to Inspire You

Back in 1983 legendary trader Richard Dennis set out to prove that trading was a learned skill so he set up an experiment.

The experiment consisted of taking a group of people who had never traded before, from all walks of lives, both sexes and all ages and teaching them to trade in 14 days.

He taught the group a method in just two weeks and the result was:

These traders went on to make $100 million in just four years and become some of the most successful traders of all time.

Dennis proved that trading was a skill anyone could learn with the right education and it's true, traders are made - not born.

Is it really that easy?

Now let's look at a paradox.

Anyone can learn to trade and trading is a learned skill but 95% of currency traders lose, so why is this?

Dennis when he conducted his experiment knew that learning a method is easy, it's applying the method with discipline that most traders have a problem with.

The Key To Trading Success

Trading discipline can be learned as well but you have to be aware of its importance and how to acquire it.

You need to have an understanding not just of your method but also yourself and your emotions and keep them in check.

You need to have the confidence to apply your method even when you hit a losing period and follow it to long term success without letting your emotions get involved.

The way to do this is to understand how and why your method works so you can stick with it - most traders don't do this. They try and follow news stories, experts and don't understand fully what they are doing a few losses come and they throw in the towel.

Work Smart For Success

So there you have it - trading is a learned skill which looks easy but is of course not as easy as it appears but if you know why the bulk of traders lose you don't have to make the same mistakes.
If you have the desire to win your almost there. You just need to turn that desire into action with a specific plan that consists of a simple method you understand and can have confidence in, to apply with discipline.

The Best Way To Learn

If you can read a graph your well on your way to becoming a successful forex trader, by using forex charts. All you need to do is to be able to spot and learn formations that repeat, trade them and have confidence in what you are doing.

If you are not prepared to spend a bit of time doing the above, then forex trading is not for you - but if you are, you have the desire to succeed and ability to work hard, then there is nothing to stop you becoming a successful trader.

Forex trading is a challenge and you would expect it to be with the rewards on offer, so if you have desire and you really want to succeed and make money fast, then forex trading can give you a route to a life changing income.


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Want to Know the Principles of Building Wealth?

By: Carol Carroll
Do you feel like it is too difficult, even impossible, to make the amount of money you would like to make? Are you frustrated thinking that there are no opportunities because the current economy is too volatile and has too much risk? Perhaps you just never get any ‘breaks’ in life, and that good things always happen to ‘other’ people. Have you ever wished you knew someone who understood the principals of wealth building, and financial independence, who would assist and coach you to achieve the success for which you are inherently capable?

The purpose of this article is to assist you in understanding some of the fundamental principals of building wealth – the same principals used by those individuals and families who have already achieved great success and wealth.

The first, and most important, thing for you to understand is that you already have within you the capabilities to achieve whatever you desire. This knowledge, together with the principals we will discuss will serve as a blueprint, and starting point for you to design the life you want and to really obtain financial independence.

Take time to study and understand each of the principles discussed below. Also understand that for you to master any sustained level of financial success you must master each of the principles. Mastering these principles in an ongoing journey which will take time, initiative, resources, and action on your part. In fact, the better you become at each of the principles, and the more success you achieve, the more you will realize that there are still higher levels to achieve. The process of success truly is a lifelong journey of joy and achievement.

You need to know that your life really can change overnight! It certainly is possible for you to have sudden financial breakthrough. There are a million ways to make a million dollars. You only need to have one of them to change your life forever. Your job is to find that opportunity and be ready to take action when you do find it.

There are many wealth building, life changing opportunities, out there. Find one that is good for you, have trust and belief in yourself, and take action.

The first principle of success is the mindset for success. This is the most critical principle. Development of the millionaire mindset allows you to manifest all of your desires with ease and efficiency. This is the principle which allows you to properly manage, and grow, your wealth once you have obtained it. If you want to be wealthy, you must think the same way as the wealthy.

Take time to study those who have created fortunes for themselves. Andrew Carnegie, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett are just a few but they are great examples of those who developed a mindset of success. How do they think differently than you and I? First of all they have a complete faith in themselves and a knowing that they will attract success, and wealth, effortlessly. Success is their only option!
The second principle of success is your external environment. This includes the physical environment you create for yourself. This also includes the people you surround yourself with. Your income will become the average of the ten people you associate most closely with. Do you surround yourself with wealth building materials, books, and ideas? Do you study and surround yourself with information from and about those individuals who have achieved what you want?

The third principle of success is wisdom. Take advantage of, and use wisely, all of the opportunities which you have. Manage wisely the assets you already have so that as you obtain more, you will be able to grow that asset into even more wealth. Wealthy people spend and invest wisely. Just because they can afford something doesn’t mean that they buy it. They always spend much less than they earn. They invest in sound investments which provide an acceptable return based on their investment goals, and they are usually contrarian investors. What that means is that they do not follow the masses. If the masses are buying they are usually selling and vise versa. The wealthy are not afraid of taking risk. They use wisdom by analyzing the risk and then make good decisions based on that analysis, but they take risk.

Using the above principles it is possible for you change your life and create the life of your design.


Carol Carroll Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Carol can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. For more information visit : Build Wealth
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